Chapter Two

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Author's note: This is the girl's percentage of how many times they were on top divided by how many times they were on the pyramid. This was my inspiration for this chapter. 

I'm not a triggered Paige stan you are!

Paige's POV:

Abby reveals the first picture on the pyramid and I see a blonde with blue eyes staring back at me. My heart sinks into my stomach. "Paige." she sighs and shakes her head. "You should've expected to be here. After the stunt your mother pulled coupled with your lack of overall technique you-" 

"And what does my kid have to do with my little stunt?" my mom asked defiantly. Don't get me wrong, I appreciated when she stuck up for me, but I knew it was a trap. Abby was luring my mom into a frenzy... and Kelly was hook-line and sinker. Abby raised her head high, and her beady eyes shone with malice. "I've told that kid for YEARS to point her feet, fix her posture, straighten her legs! And you know what Kelly? You're ruining her chances. She doesn't pick up quickly and I think we all know why..." 

Kelly looked like she was going to start cussing, but all of a sudden the fire in her died to a spark. "You know what? Pack your bags, Paige. You're welcome to stay if you'd like Brooke, but just remember to ask Christi to drive you home." I glanced sadly from Miss Abby to my mom, getting a few sympathetic looks from my fellow dancers. Nia, however, kept her eyes straight ahead, showing no sign of sympathy or anything really. That was odd. No time to dwell on that. I kept my face straight ahead, away from the numerous cameras set up to capture our reactions. We packed as fast as we could, but apparently not fast enough. Right before we exited the studio I overheard Abby exclaim "The apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. Isn't that right Brooke? You've wanted nothing more than to leave with her didn't you? Makes me wonder why I even bothered with white trash like you in the first place." I cringed. Abby has said worse before, but that never stopped Brooke from working twice as hard only to get a quarter of her attention. This wasn't news to us. As far as Abby was concerned, the Hylands were dirt beneath her feet.

I had a lot of respect for Brooke. Even though her spirit was broken, she had never given up on her dream of Cirque. She seemed to find joy in proving Abby wrong in any way she can. If Abby said she was brooding, that only made her smile more. If Abby said sickled feet, she would sharpen them to a point so rigid it was impossible to ignore. Brooke actually had a future ahead of her. Yet Abby couldn't look past my mother's actions. She couldn't seem to grasp what a valuable asset my sister was to the team. Once she was gone, Flabby would realize too late what a diamond she had. The thought of an outraged dance instructor with her mouth hanging open and her double-chin prominent brought an ingratiate smirk to my lips. 

The producers had a lot of editing to do this week.

I was gonna add more but figured this little blurb should be about Paige and Paige only. So here ya go! Hope you enjoy Paige stans.

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