Karamatsu- Half An Eraser

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Note: This will be taking place in a world where Karamatsu actually goes to college to get a degree in theater. You are there for the same reason. Also heavily inspired by my love for Koi to Uso and Hamilton lmao



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You sighed as you opened the theater door, your professor raising a brow. Your class was rehearsing for the college's rendition of Hamilton, and you were on stage crew. You've always loved theater, singing, and dancing. Yet you were too shy to go up on stage, so you just stayed in the theater environment. Plus, nobody would kill you for quietly singing to yourself while waiting to close and open the curtains. Today was not such a great day however, as you were running a bit late to rehearsal. Your bus decided to arrive five minutes early, and left just as you got there.



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"Thank you for finally deciding to join us, (Y/N), it's not like this whole production is a team effort or something" You simply nodded, knowing you were in the wrong and didn't take what he said to heart. The professor was strict, but only because he was pushing you to greatness. As you sat down, a man with defined eyebrows and a confident smile turned to you.

"Do not take his words to heart, dear (Y/N). I believe you know well that our professor wants only the best to come out of this production" He spoke. You had seen him on stage and around the crew before, but had never really gotten to know this man. You heard people say he was cringy or painful to look at sometimes, but you never understood why.

"Ah, thank you. I feel bad, you know my name but I don't know yours.." You sighed, looking up at him sheepishly. He simply smiled, his gaze softening. This was the first time a girl had really wanted to talk to him since elementary school..! He had to act natural.

"A-ah, no worries. My name is Karamatsu. It's nice to meet you" He spoke softly, extending his hand for you to shake. You took it and smiled at him, taking his hand and shaking it.

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