chapter 2

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Ugh…finally it’s lunch time! Only two more classes till I’m done with this stupid school. 

“So are you excited?” Abby squeals as she twirls her light brown hair.  I slam my locker shut and grab her wrist.

“No to be honest I’m just ready for it to be over and you already asked me this about  30 times today already and it’s only 12. Come on let’s go to lunch. I’m starving.” I start to pull her in the direction of the cafeteria but we have to wait for Maggie.

“Gosh Miss. Grumpy-pants!  Anyways, I just can’t believe that it’s our last day of high school! We are almost done it’s just so crazy, I feel like we just started…” She continues on with her little rant, but I zone her out, thinking about what awful food the kitchen staff could have prepared today.  Even though I go to a private school, the food is still terrible. One thing about Abby is that she talks a lot.  Like all the time.  I’m pretty sure that if you handed her a rock, she would talk to it.

I feel like I have been standing by the lockers for forever when finally I hear Maggie’s locker slam shut and we begin to walk, me a few steps ahead of them because of my freakishly long legs and frankly because they are getting on my last nerve, but i love them anyways.  “What’s up with her?” Maggie questions obviously referring to me.

“Oh she’s just so sad that were almost done with this amazing place we call school,” Abby replies in a sarcastic tone.

I decided I might as well play along with her sarcasm as we enter the cafeteria, “ Oh totally, I’m like about to cry because of the sadness I will get from missing this wonderful place. I’m going to bawl every day during this school work free summer ahead of us and…”

I was walking backwards, not watching were I was going as usual and bumped into someone, resulting in both of us on the floor.  I look up and of course it’s Lindsay.  “Oh my gosh Lindsay I am so sorry! Let me help you up.”

“Eww why would I want help from some clumsy loser like you? No thanks I can do it myself.  AHHHHH! There is pasta on my skirt. Thanks a lot Becca, and watch where you’re going next time clutz.” And with that my best friend turned rival waltzed off.

 I watch her walk across the cafeteria and sit down to no other than my ex-boyfriend Hutton.  Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that they began dating.  The perfect couple, the girl and boy that ruined my high school life.  But that is going to change, after today I will be done with them forever.

“Becca? You okay?”  Maggie waves her hand in front of my face trying to take me out of my daze.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.  Let’s just get our food and go sit down.”   We get our food and go sit down at our usual table consisting of the three of us.  We are kind of our own little group.  We don’t really hang out with any other people besides us. 

“Don’t think about her.  She’s a complete and total b-”

“Abby stop.  Just forget it. She doesn’t even deserve to be talked about after doing everything she’s done to Becca”

Ugh… the conversation always comes to this “Come on guys. This is just a waste of breath.  Let’s talk about something else please.” I sigh.. I am so ready to be out of all of this stupid drama. I hate drama almost as much as I hate school.

“OOH! I know! Let’s talk about One Direction…Are you guys not psyched or what for Take Me Home! Guys it comes out in like 19 days! And I…” Maggie continues on as i daze off into space.  She is a totally obsessed directioner. Shes been to like 4 concerts since we live so close to the boys. Dont get me wrong, its not like I don’t like them or anything.  I love their music; I’m just not so concerned about every little detail of their lives.  Abby on the other hand, she can’t stand them.  She doesn’t like their music or anything about them.  Why? I have no clue…maybe because Maggie and I always try to get her to listen to them

“Ugh….” Abby let out a groan as Maggie and I continued on about the 5 boys’ music. “Seriously guys…let’s talk about something that we ALL want to talk about for a change.”

“Fine,” I huff, “So what are you guys going to do after tomorrow? Any summer plans?”

“Yay! A good topic for a change.  I’m leaving to go to NYC for 3 weeks with the fam.  I’m gonna miss you guys so much!”

“Its alright Abbs, we will see you ASAP after that! I’m probably going up to the college to see my sisters. What about you Becca?”

Hmm…actually I haven’t thought about it.  I could do so many things after I’m free of school.  All of this time I have been so concerned about getting out of school, I never actually thought about what I would do when I got out. I would love to go traveling around the country or something exciting like that, but that would never happen.  Only in my dreams. “Umm…..actually I don’t have anything planned.  Maybe just chilling at home?” both girls gave me a sympathetic look, “Guys. Don’t worry about me. I will be fine. Go have fun and meet a cute guy or something; I will see y’all when you get back.”

Lunch finally ended and the rest of the day seemed to take forever.  When the bell finally rang, I was ecstatic to be out.  I grab my bags and head for my car.   As I’m driving home, I still can’t get one thing off my mind. What AM I going to do over the summer? With graduation and the family celebration afterwards tomorrow, all i want to do is sleep.

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