Mina Ashido - Repetitive Words

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Mina Ashido x Villain!Reader

Word Count: 1380

Key Words: Angst, Villains, Love, Heroes

Warning: Mentions of gore and prolonged death. Lots of sad themes. sensitive readers, read with caution.

Quirk: Shatterhand
By placing their hands on anything made of concrete/rock (Like buildings) the user can send pulses of force into already existing cracks or fractures, making them overload and break apart the material. The shatter depends on how much the object is already damaged.


It was a repetitive cycle.

An annoying one, really.

You only had yourself to blame, really.

"Get out of my way." You threatened, your eyes becoming sharper then knives when you looked at the pink skinned girl. You walked foward, trying to leave the abandoned warehouse without another word.

"Or what?" She sent the same glare back, though hers were just stubborn. She was never the type to have that boiling anger, the relentless flame that would eat up someone from the inside- unlike you. "You'll kill me too? And then what? Your still going to be upset at the world, and alone."

"Alone?" You spat, taking a sharp turn in her direction again. "You have the guts to say that to my face, when I'm the one who brought you here to warn you?!"

"I'm not a child, (Y/N)!" Ashido took a step towards you, grabbing onto your arm with a death grip. You tried to force it off by shoving your shoulder towards her, but it only made her stumble for a second. You never though there would be a day where her strength would become a bad thing in your eyes.

"Just don't go to into the city when your called, okay?! I don't need you getting in the way!" You just wanted her to listen, you just needed her to listen.

"-I can't believe you! What next?! Are you going to lock me in my room like a misbehaving child?! Or would you prefer just to make me stop being a hero altogether?!"

"It's not my fault you won't listen to me Mina!" You grabbed her shoulder with your free hand. Forcing her to look into your eyes as they softened. Water already pooling into them. "I asked you to join me! I wanted you to see it from my perspective! But you won't change your mind!"

She visibly froze, her mouth falling open as she stared into your eyes with her own yellow ones. "Haven't you thought that maybe my mind wasn't the one that needed to be changed?" Her voice sounded broken. Her voice dying in the dusty air. "You've always hated everyone, you've always been so angry. Isn't their anything that makes you happy?"

"There's only one thing." You let go of her shoulder, only to pull her into your arms. Your tears falling into her clothing as you tried to hide your face in her hair. "That's why you need to stay out of the way. Don't accept any requests from town square, please"


It was a repetitive cycle.

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