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As we walked back to Marie's chambers, I couldn't keep my mind from wandering yet again to the topic of the war against Sparta.  The king didn't have a just reason for the action and the whole situation seemed off and wrong.

Once we reached the door, the guards stopped and let Marie and I enter the room, but not without her stealing a glance at one of them before the door slammed shut, leaving us alone.

Without wasting any time, Marie immediately kicked off her shoes and walked over to me, "Could you please help me with this cursed dress?"  I unclasped the dress, then waited as she went into the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

As soon as she was changed, Marie came over and took a seat on the couch by the fireplace.  There was a cold draft of air in the room, so I lit a fire for warmth and light, then took a seat next to my friend.

We both waited for the other to say something until Marie finally spoke, "You promised, so now you have to tell me what you were thinking of today and where you always travel to when zoning out.  You have zoned out more and more lately, and it has often made me very concerned.  Please tell me what you are thinking."

I took a few seconds to gather my thoughts then started at the first place I could, "I am worried Marie, very worried.  This may not make any sense, but this war seems wrong.  It feels like it never should have happened and I get a bad feeling every time I think of it.  There doesn't seem to be a valid reason for fighting with Sparta.  I'm also worried about our families and the people living there.  They didn't do anything wrong, but now they are being slaughtered, and who knows what else.

"I want to help end this horrid event, but I don't know how.  I actually considered trying to join the Spartan military, but they wouldn't except me because of the fact that I am female.  This whole situation scares me, especially with you being the queen of Crete and also a Spartan.  What happens if you are found out by someone who isn't an ally?  What happens if the king learns of this?  I don't think it will matter how beautiful you are, no one will accept you and your treatment will change for the worst, especially by the king.

"I fear for your safety and the safety of those loyal to you and I worry that you aren't happy.  You were forcefully married to the king, without any choice and now you have to deal with the horrible way he treats you.  I see the way he talks down to you and I don't like it one bit.  It isn't a secret that you don't like it either.  And what happens if you fall in love with someone else?  You won't be able to do anything about it and that will be a torture itself.

"My hatred of the war and my concern for you have been filling my thoughts and that is where my mind goes every time I zone off.  I am trying to think of solutions, but none have presented themselves to me."

Marie listened to everything I had to say, then sat without saying anything for a while.  She appeared to be deep in thought and I didn't want to interrupt where her mind was traveling.  I was glad to share those thoughts with someone, but felt bad for adding to what Marie was already dealing with.

"I agree with you about the war," she began, "but I have no idea what we can do about it.  There is not a way we can help that I know of and right now is especially a difficult time with the victory.   As for my happiness, I think you are a bit too late."  I looked at her with an expression of curiosity, prompting her to continue.

"You see, I have not fallen in love, but there already is someone I have started to develop feelings for.  It would be unwise for me to say his name right now, but I want you to know that he is a good person.  I was bound to be unhappy from the moment the king saw me during that parade.  I wish there was a way to change what happened, but sadly, that's not how the world works.  Maybe I deserve it,  Mayb-,"

"Marie, you definitely do not deserve this," I cut her off before she could finish.  "You are an amazing person and this situation is not your fault.  You deserve so much more than this and it's unfair that this happened to you."

The queen didn't say anything, just stared directly into the fireplace.  I gave her a hug and held her there for a while until I realized she was asleep.  I didn't want to wake her and the last thing I remembered was the fire dying before I also drifted off.

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