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Hey guys I am here let us continue reading


As soon as we enter the college we were all shocked the campus was huge and very much beautiful. An cause we were a bit late all other students were assembled in the main ground. (EOP)

Abhi: Oh shit we are late I thing we should go and keep our bags and assemble fast.

Sidd,avu: ok bhai

They all went in different direction and after a few minutes they all were assembled in the ground.

Principal(I WILL PUT PRINCI FOR PRINCIPAL😜):Good morning students. Welcome to a new academic year and welcome all new admissions. As you all know our college is one of the most famous college in the world ...........(blah blah blah..........)


Oh I hate this speech yaar stop this thing we are standing in the sun and becoming a fry while you are giving a boring speech standing on the shade. I wonder were is Avu.                                                                                                                                                                                                       (EOP)

Sidd: SOOOO......BORINGGG.......*hides behind abhi😆😆🤣


Princi: ughum ughum. Well students I have a good news for you all we have a complaint that our extra curricular activities are less so we have decided to do something which we haven't done ever. We are going to select a group of students who are good in studies and also in first years and third years that means only two from the third year and rest from the first year and only from one class only and they would be able to decide some thing which will be told to you by your teachers and...ya nothing else have a good and fabulous day. Thank you.

Ha and the new admissions would wait in the main hall after the assembly and others may go to your old class rooms.

Then after a small prayer they were all dismissed.


After the prayer we all go in different directions and I was looking for the main hall and I suddenly met jannat I ran towards her and she also see me and we go straight to a tight hug.😊 (EOP)

Jann:hi avuuuu.....

Avu:hi jannuuuuuu........


Avu: yaar where is this main hall. I am lookin for that for so long

Jann: It maybe on the direction board let's go and look

Avu: ha.. let's go.

They went to the direction board and found were was it and ran towards the hall .

That's all for today.

Hey guys ,

I am back sorry for a very large break I would try to update the next chap ASAP.

And my second story will be updated only next month I try to upload more chaps of this book.












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