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Zendaya's POV

My life isn't the best and I doubt it would ever be. Sorry, excuse my rudeness let me introduce myself. My name is Zendaya Maree Fenty Brown and I'm an orphan. I currently live in Cork,Ireland which is my home. I am a lesbian, and find no attraction to men. I live in Ms. Dabneys Home for ophaned children aka an orphanage. I was originally born in Atlanta, Georgia in the united States but I was pit up for adoption a few months after I was born. I assumed my parents were drug addicts and weren't fit to take care of me. Anyway, I was sent to a orphanage in Atlanta where a couple from Ireland adopted me not long after I was given up. They were the best parents anyone could have. I lived with them until I was four when we were involved in a tragic accident which resulted in them dyind immediately on impact. After the accident they sent me to the orphanage that I'm currently in which only has about 15 kids here.

"Z wake up and eat" Ms. Dabney's voice knocked me out of my thoughts

"Coming!!" I yelled through the door

I lived in the attic which I liked because I wouldn't be bothered by any of the other kids. I asked her to let me live up here when I was eight and she happily agreed. She is a very nice woman.

Unlike the rest of the kids I don't go to school with the rest because I'm home schooled so Ms. Dabney teaches school for me and I help around here. Over the years I developed an Irish accent like the rest and forgot about my American roots.

As I walked down stairs and sat at the the table I noticed that Ariel wasn't at the tabel. Ariel is about 5 years old with fire red hair and green eyes, she probably the only person I talked to here.

"Where's Ariel?" I asked curiously

"The little weirdo is still in our room sleeping" Her room mate who is 11 said looking at me.

Without responding I went to her room and sat on the said of her bed knowing that she really wasn't asleep.

"I guess I'll just have to eat all those chocolate chip pancakes all by myself" I said drawing out every word

"PANCAKES!!! IM UP AND READY." She said jumping out her bed and throwing on purple jeans and a black and purple shirt with a heart on it. She ran straight past me and downstairs. As I followed her she stopped and jumped in my arms so I put her on my hip a kept on walking.

"Zendy?" She said innocently

"Yes" I said looking at her

"Do you think I will ever get adopted?" She said sadly

"Of course I do. I'd bet any kind of money that someone will be so lucky to have you as a daughter." I said truthfully looking into her eyes.

"Thanks" she said kissing me on the cheek and jumping down and into her chair next to mine.

Welcome to my world

Rihanna's POV

It's been 16 years since me and Chris left our baby girl on that orphanage doorstep. The only thing we left her was her name and bracelet that fit her leg and a bag with her birth certificate which we signed in it. We were to Young to take care of a child so we left her where we thought she would have a good life. Chris and I have talked about looking for her and trying to connect with her but he kept putting it off saying that we shouldn't interrupt her life which is probably great. We have become very successful over the years selling millions of albums each.

"I want to do it" Chris said as he burst into the room.

"Do what?" I said looking at him stupidly

"I want to find Zendaya. I mean she's probably going to be mad but I still want to check up on her and connect with her cus she's my daughter" he said rambling on

"Let's do it. I had the same thought" I said standing up and grabbing my jacket.

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