Meet Dr. Robotnik

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Back at the tennis court/running track, several military their major(named Bennington), and people in hazmat suits. A large black truck and a few SUVs pull up. 

"What the?" Major Bennington whispered

The large truck pulled up, a side door open, and the one who was in the truck stepped out but not fully out of the truck just yet. He was a white Caucasian male in his 50s, black hair slicked to the side, he also had on a black suit, black pants, black shoes, and a back cape with inner red lining and some rare to the public type of sunglasses

 He was a white Caucasian male in his 50s, black hair slicked to the side, he also had on a black suit, black pants, black shoes, and a back cape with inner red lining and some rare to the public type of sunglasses

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This was Dr. Ivo Robotnik. More commonly called Dr. Robotnik or just Robotnik. He stepped onto the ground from his large truck as Agent Stone, his assistant, got out of an SUV and followed Robotnik as he walked up to the Major. Robotnik took off his glasses and looked at the Major.

"Are you in charge here?" Robotnik asked

"Yes I-" Major Bennington started

"NOPE!" Robotnik interrupted

"My name-" the Major started

"WRONG!" Robotnik interrupted again

"is Major-" Bennington tried to add

"I'M IN CHARGE!" Robotnik interrupted yet again

"Is Major-" the Major tried to say again

"NEIGH!!! I'm in charge." Robotnik interrupted again before Stone waked up and held a strange device

"You ever seen anything like this before? It says i'm the top banana. In a world FULL of hungry little monkeys." Robotnik said as Agent Stone put the device away

"Allow me to clarify. Tzzt. Tzzt." Robotnik added as he looked to his left, held up his left hand all while making robotic noises

"In a subcontinentally ranked hierarchy based on level of critical importance, the disparity is to vast to quantify."  Robotnik said. "Agent Stone?" he added before walking off

"The doctor thinks you're basic." Stone clarified

"I'm initiating a sweep sequence. Ten miles in every direction should suffice." Robotnik said as he pushed a button combination on his left gloves as drones came out of the truck but not yet launched. "Is he still looking at e funny?" the doctor asked to his assistant

"Yes he is." Stone answered

"Tell him to stop or i'll pull up his search history." Robotnik said

"If you don't stop looking at the doctor, he'll take a closer look at-" Stone started

"I'm not deaf." the Major intercepted

"And tell him his  men report to me now, blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah, blah-blah-blah." Robotnik said

"Listen, pal, i'm not sure you realize-" Major Bennington stared

"I'm sorry Major, what was your name?" Robotnik asked

"Benninng-" the Major started

"NOBODY CARES!!!" Robotnik interrupted

Major Bennington rolled his eyes.

"Nobody cares. Listen, Major, nobody cares. You know why nobody cares who you are?" Robotnik as he walked to the Major

"Cause nobody cares about your feeble accomplishments. Nobody cares how proud your mommy is that you're now reading at a third grade level." Robotnik added.  "Have you finished Charlotte's Web yet? Spoiler alert: she dies in the end but she leaves a big creepy egg sack." Robotnik added as he looked at his drones having been launched and waiting for a command

The drones looked a little bit like eggs.  Little did Robotnik know the nickname he would get later cause of this design choice.

"Oh, my babies." Robotnik said. "Look what came out of my egg sack." he added as he stepped in front of the Major.. "You know what I love about machines? They do what they're told, they follow their programming! They don't need time off to get DRUNK and PUT THEE BOAT IN THE WATER." Robotnik added as he pointed at the Major. "And YOU, do what you're told. Go over there and stand on the edge of your personal abyss....and watch my machines do your job." he added as he turned to his drones and the Major waled off

Stone walked towards the doctor as Robotnik started pushing a button combination on his gloves and the drones flew off.

"Can you feel it, Stone?" Robotnik asked as he kept pressing the needed button combination

"I can feel it, Doctor." Stone answered

"It's evolution Stone, IT'S EVOLUTION!!!" Robotnik said as he finished the button combo

The drones had one goal. Locate the source of the blackout and if it was a living being, trap it and bring it to their creator known only to them as Robotnik.

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