1 | a royal awakening.

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Perched atop a lofty hill, casting its gaze upon the town below, the majestic Van Broeck castle had been transformed into the illustrious Dreux castle. Its unique charm was accentuated by the numerous pointed towers that adorned its structure, lending an air of eccentricity akin to a splendid crown. The castle's walls, fashioned from pristine white stone, shimmered radiantly in the summer sun, while its roof boasted a dignified covering of grey slate. With a size equivalent to twenty ordinary houses, this grand fortress employed a substantial number of townsfolk, who toiled diligently to ensure its seamless operation.

Encircling the castle, an enchanting landscape unfolded, featuring expansive horse pastures and bountiful kitchen gardens designated for the exclusive use of the royal family. Serving as an additional layer of protection, a sturdy stone wall, crowned by formidable iron spikes, encircled the palace grounds and stood as a steadfast guardian day and night. Under the reign of the prevailing monarch, the Dreux castle's glory remained unscathed, a testament to their diligent stewardship. However, discerning eyes would observe a distinct refinement within the court, distinguishing it from the era when King Alistair governed, adding an air of sophistication to its noble halls.

Nestled within the sprawling grounds of the Dreux castle, the horse stables stood as a testament to the equestrian excellence that thrived within its walls. A harmonious blend of functionality and elegance, the stables were designed with meticulous attention to detail. Constructed from sturdy timber and adorned with ornate carvings, the stables exuded a timeless charm.

As one entered the stables, a symphony of equine scents and gentle nickers filled the air. The spacious interior boasted rows of meticulously maintained stalls, each accommodating the noble steeds of the royal family. The stalls were generously sized, allowing the horses ample room to move and rest in comfort. The walls, lined with polished wood, showcased intricate patterns and engravings that mirrored the castle's regal motifs.

Sunlight filtered through tall windows, casting a warm glow upon the well-kept straw-covered floors. The air within the stables remained fresh and well-ventilated, thanks to strategically placed openings that allowed a gentle breeze to circulate throughout.

Attending to the horses' every need were dedicated stable hands, their expertise evident in the immaculate grooming and care provided to these majestic creatures. The sound of hooves against the stable floor created a soothing rhythm, serving as a constant reminder of the nobility and grace housed within these hallowed walls.

The Dreux castle, a bastion of power and prestige, was safeguarded by an elite corps of guards who stood as stalwart sentinels against any threat to the kingdom. Day and night, these loyal defenders maintained a vigilant watch over the castle's imposing stone walls, their presence instilling a sense of security and fortitude.

Clad in gleaming suits of armor, their armorial crests emblazoned upon their chests, the guards presented an imposing sight. With disciplined strides, they patrolled the castle's perimeter, their steps echoing against the cobblestones. Their faces, obscured by helmets, remained stoic and focused, a testament to their unwavering commitment to duty.

Tall and resolute, the guards carried finely crafted weapons—a symbol of their readiness to defend the castle and its inhabitants at a moment's notice. From gleaming swords strapped to their sides to pikes held with unwavering grip, these weapons served as both a deterrent and a means to maintain order.

Forming an unyielding line of defense, the guards were strategically positioned along the castle walls and at the imposing entrance gate. Their presence alone served as a formidable deterrent, dissuading any potential adversaries from challenging the castle's authority.

With unwavering loyalty and a commitment to protect, the guards of the Dreux castle embodied the virtues of honor and duty. Their unwavering dedication ensured the safety and security of the kingdom, standing as the shield that preserved the castle's cherished legacy.

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