Gotta Love the local Demon Hole

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Drip...Drop...Drip...Drop...Drip...Drop ...

Y/n:"1...2...4...5...6...7...8...9" you counted the drops of water that fell onto your dry tongue, god how dry your tongue felt. Of course the only reason you could tell your tongue was dry was because how moist your head felt after that fall. 


Y/n:"I wonder what time it is" you said aloud to yourself, still counting the drops "How long have i been down here, how long ago did i fa-..." you passed recalling the previous events. "No that's not right I was pushed down here, who?" 

You remembered being pushed by the village children into the forbidden hole on the outskirts of town, just before they had left you had overheard their plans to cover up your fall, before passing out. Forbidden because village legend says that monsters would climb out and eat people at night, but seeing as it was just a legend the village elder didn't have enough evidence to spend the dwindling resources of the towns people to do more than put a do not enter sign around it, even though someone liked to keep stealing it. The idea that someone had a trophy room dedicated to how many of those signs they'd stolen was probably the only good thought you had running through your mind.

 The idea that someone had a trophy room dedicated to how many of those signs they'd stolen was probably the only good thought you had running through your mind

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When you awoke your every muscle ached, and your head was pounding something fierce. But the thing you focused on the most was the unquenchable thirst & hunger you seemed to have developed during your time unconscious. At first you simply laid there on the cold hard quietly crying, thinking you were going to die, if not from thirst then hunger cause there certainly wasn't anything to eat here.

???: "Hey"


You were so sure you were going to die, you were waiting for it, accepting it, giving up. That was heard it. the pitter patter of rain from the outside, and if you could hear rain then you could find a way out of this dark abyss. Summoning your strength you tried to stand only to almost immediately slump over from a wave of dizziness and pain. A broken bone you figured. You tried it again only to have the same results.

Getting up again would've been a cool try, but judging from the pain inside your chest you had a pretty good feeling your ribs were the main issue here. So if you wanted to live you would have to figure out another way of getting to that water. 

And so that's how you wound up laying on a rock letting the excess rainwater drip onto your tongue to at least stay hydrated. With nothing better to do than to count the drops to pass the time.


Y/n:"123...124...125...126...127...128...there's gotta be something better to do than count" you said to no one in particular, but miraculously that no one responded.

???: "127*"

Y/n: "what?" you thought you heard something

???:"127. You forgot to count the number 3. I was wondering who was stupid enough to fall into here with me but now I understand it." a voice mocked with a raspy laugh.

Y/n:"Did someone say something? I guess I'm losing my mind" you laughed trying, and failing, to ignore your own intuition. "No, I can feel there's someone here...but who??"

???:"You heard me, didn't you? Over hear" it groaned and made a scratching sound to your left

You looked up and in the dimness of the cave were just barely able to make out the form of an arm reaching for you from a hole inside the rock wall.

Y/n:"AN ArM" you screamed out of terror scrambling to move but couldn't "WHAT IS THAT, WHO ARE YOU"

The thing connected to the arm cackled, at your seemingly stupid question." An ARM hOW TErRIBLe!", you realized its voice had the quality of static.

Y/n:"W-w-w-wait I've heard about you, th-hey say that a horrible monster that loves to mock people lives in this dwelling and eats children who peer into it ." you tried your hardest not whimper earning another cackle from your hole-mate.

???:"HMm HoW MeAN" it sighed, the static in it's voice becoming a low hiss, "HeHEhE You kNOw WhaT TheY say, STICks and STONes may brEAK MY BoNEs, BUT WoRDS CAN never hurt me." it said as the sound of bones snapping and rattling filled the cave.

Y/n:"BUT YOU CAN'T HURT ME EITHER CAUSE YOURE TRAPPED BEHIND THAT ROCK WALL WHATDOYOUEVENWANTFROMMeeAHHHH-" your tried to shriek but the arm reached out and shoved it's hand in your mouth effectively silencing you. You held back sobs as you could barely make out a face whispering to you.

???:"Listen here ma boy"  the static in it's voice turned low, whining

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???:"Listen here ma boy"  the static in it's voice turned low, whining. As if mocking the gentleness of a parent or teacher.  "If I wanted you dead, you'd hanging you by your nerves and I'd have a new moron-skinned jacket!" In all honesty had you had any food in your stomach you were fairly certain you wouldn't anymore. As you thought about this grotesque, hypothetical series of events, The monster retracted it's hand from your throat.

Y/n:"Then-then what do you want..."your teeth chattered.

???:"First of all you may call me Cull. Second of all I simply want an exhilarating conversation with you ma boy!" his toned lightened confusing you


???:"Yes, well I'm terribly sorry about the hand thing but you were screaming so much I thought it only fair to tell you there's a limited amount of oxygen here, so screaming and hyperventilating like that is only going to get you killed.

y/n:"'re not going to kill me?" you whimpered uncertain.

Cull:"Well that remains to be seen, the odds of you surviving to leave this cave are extremely dismal at best, but I've always wagered myself a betting man." he pondered "besides I seem to need you boy"

Y/n:"Need me...for what"

Cull:"Why to help me leave me wretched abode of course"

Y/N:"I-I don't understand"

Cull:"So naive you humans, Tell me what does the term Demon mean to you?"

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