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The morning was already well on its way as the Devil shows up at the precinct. Chloe finds him at the coffee machine, near the kitchen area, a pudding in one hand and a spoon in the other one, with half a dozen policewomen and policemen around him, hanging on his every word as if he were the next Jesus Christ. She takes a deep calming breath before she walks over. This Monday was gonna be a very long day for sure. If there was ever a day to not get on her bad side, today was most definitely it. She sees Dan heading towards her, a reproachful look on his face. Whether this was about his stolen pudding, her partner, or whatever reasons he had for whining after her, she wasn't interested. She stops him before he can even get any word out of his mouth.

"Not now Dan." She starts. "I am NOT in the mood for one of your sermons about how fucked up my life is, or how weird my partner is." She looks at Lucifer. "And yes, he stole your pudding and has been doing so every morning he's here. Deal with it!" She finishes, leaving Dan silent.

"I wasn't gonna..." He tries to defend himself but stops as he realises he had these exact three items on his list. "Sorry." He mumbles quickly as she walks on.

Ever since their finalised divorce, and even if there wasn't - at least according to his daughter's latest confirmation - a trace of romance between Chloe and Lucifer, he couldn't help the sting of jealousy each time he saw them leaving together, and so he felt compelled to remind her about how bad Lucifer was, from every possible angle.

Sighing loudly, he returned to his now new desk and the never-ending pile of paperwork, which had been pushed back to the very far end of the bullpen since he confessed his role in the Palmetto case. As he sits down, he smiles though. Given his ex-wife current mood and if his years with her taught him anything, Lucifer was in for one Hell of a ride today. And no amount of his devilish charms could get him out of this. No one was immune to Chloe's ire, especially not him, and that thought alone would brighten his morning.


"And this, Ladies and Gentlemen, is how you do it!" Lucifer says before he sees Chloe.

"How nice of you to show up Lucifer!" She greets him.

"And a good morning to you too, Detective." Lucifer replies, smiling, in an attempt to defuse her annoyance. But his plan once again fails.

"Do you know how long I have been waiting for you? I called you at nine this morning, and the Lieutenant has been on my ass ever since for me to leave for the crime scene." He opens his mouth to answer. "And don't give your "Perfection takes time, Detective " bullshit!" She continues, with a very bad impression of his accent.

"Hey relax, Chloe, give him a break, he had a long night!" One of the officers replies, winking at Lucifer.

Chloe rolls her eyes and bites her tongue really hard so she doesn't give the other woman a piece of her mind. Getting angry at Lucifer was one thing, but going full-on mad at a colleague was something else. Lucifer decides to jump in the conversation in an attempt to appease his partner.

"I was actually on my way to your desk when the lovely officers here required my help on a very important topic." He winks at the group. "They were asking how we managed to have such a high closing rate, and one thing led to another, we ended up talking about my night, and they needed advice on another one of my many areas of expertise."

"YOU gave police advice?" She mocks him. "Maybe stick to your other area of expertise and arrive on time, to begin with!" She says as she walks away.

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