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Lux - A bit before 7 pm

Lucifer was just out of his walk-in closet when he heard the characteristic “ding” that announced a new guest in his penthouse.

“I’m afraid this penthouse is closed for an undetermined time. But feel free to check out the club downstairs. I’m sure you’ll find someone who fits your needs.” He replies from the other side of the room.

“Then why did you invite me over?” The guest says.

He smiles as he recognises Maze’s voice. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but why would I formally invite you over? And since when do you need an invitation to enter anyway?” He walks over to his bar. “Besides I was supposed to leave thirty minutes ago but I couldn’t decide…” He stops before he can say finish his sentence with “what to wear”. “Never mind. Show me the text.” He asks instead. “That’s not my number.” he states

“I know, but I figured you lost your phone again or changed it because of too many admirers sending you their nudes.”

Lucifer is about to contradict her but realises she was right on both points. He shrugs. “How do I look by the way?”

“Fine, I guess.” She replies. He frowns. “What’s wrong with you? You never question your appearance. The only time you asked for advice was for this weird undercover thing you did with Decker.”

“Forget I said anything.” Then the possible sender of the text finally lights the right cells in his brain. “I’m actually on my way to the Detective's house for dinner, do you want to come with?”

“Are you offering me a threesome with Decker?”

“Dad no! The spawn will be here as well. I just thought you could enjoy yourself there as well.”

Maze explodes in a loud laugh. “Is this why you asked me about your outfit? Are you nervous about this date?” She takes her best mocked-mom voice. “Do you want Mommy to hold your hand for your first date?”

“Please, I’m hardly a blushing schoolgirl.” He pauses. “The reason why I asked you to come with is…” He looks for a reasonable explanation other than “ I don’t want you to meet up with Lilith, who is possibly the sender of this text ” and that wasn’t a lie “Because I might need you to keep the Urchin busy.” He finally shares.

“Right.” Maze is clearly unconvinced by his explanation.

“Besides, you haven’t spent time with the Urchin in a while, so it’s a win-win for both of us.”

“Alright then.” She agrees, dropping the matter for now. “Shall we go then?”

“After you.”

About 30 minutes later - Chloe’s condo

Lucifer did his best to ignore the smirk pasted on Maze’s face during the whole drive to Chloe’s. As he parks the car, he finally cracks.

“Enough Maze. I am NOT nervous!”

“Sure, whatever you need to tell yourself.” She mocks him.

Lucifer sighs, aware there was no changing her, and knocks. The door flies open and Trixie crashes into him in a bear cub hug. The Devil kinda returns the embrace before he stirs her towards Maze. After a while, the three of them enter.

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