The Witches Den

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The crystal light of purple swirled around in circle and the dark red rubies caught the glimpse of the candle light which flickered  like a snake's tounge searching for its prey.

The dull black heavy curtains concealed walls and things beyond. Smoke rose from the cracks between the massive thick curtains.

The smell of old paper and dust seeped through into my nose, then slowly conquered my lungs. I smelled magic. I did not exactly know how to describe this smell but it smelled enchanting.

The magic some how seem to smell like perfume made of  alluring  night flowers with tinge of pungent chlorine and smell of strong iron. It was powerful yet soft, soft yet strong.

I heard sounds of glass wines clattering with each other with sound of muffled voices of people at first but as I walked in the sound became louder and louder as if i was turing on the volume of a speaker. Muffles became into small clear voice then to hoarse shouts and laughter.

I fliped the  smoothe purple curtain to the left, gently resting my hand on the soft silk.

The sound of music seeped through and i peeped into the crack.

There was too much people. Too much.

Ethan comes to my side hovering over my head as he, too, stared inside. People sat on the table, chair, the floor with glass of wine in thier hands, some laughed and some danced wildly. It was still dull to recognise everything but I could still see the glaring shine of gems and glasses grinning in the candle light.

"Pretty cool huh?" Ethan was still looking at the crowd as if he had missed this so much.

Then suddenly the curtian fipped open.
I wanted to bang my head against the wall right then.

A Caucasian girl stood in front of us.
Her eyes were sharp as the sword, her redneyeliner extending making it look even sharper and her lip had rings of piercings.
Her short hair was black as the starless night and her skin pale as the moon. And a tattoo of curved wierd looking  letters and signs covered her bare arms.
"What are you cats doing here?" She raised her sharp black eye brows. "Enjoy. or. go." She pointed toward the opening we had just come through.

"We just came here to get some..." I looked around and saw the dark red liquid in the glass. "Wine" I switched glances with Ethan. He looked at me with large open eyes, wrinkles forming in his forehead.

"Those aren't wine baby." She raised her black nail polished hands. "Those are rose waters. Poison."

I stopped for a moment. "Yeah whatever you call those" and rolled my eyes.

She glanced back and forth from ethan and me and arched her eyebrows with s corner of her lips raised.

"And he must be your boyfriend?" She said pointing at Ethan.

Ethan opened his mouth to protest but i surged in front of him covering his view.

"Yeah he is." She gave me a suspicious look and moved away. He seemed to give me a weird look and said something like "F-U-C-K" which probably meant "what?"

"You can rent a room over there and if you want a couple reading from the witch its that way." She pointed to the left.

"That's the place we were looking for. Thanks" I said, the caucasian girl narrowed her eyes and rubbed her face." Let's go." I tugged on Ethan's shirt. His eyes still didnt met mine, I slighly shoved him to the left while i forced my lips to give the girl a smile. Propably it was the brightest smile i had ever gave in my life, and the most disgusting. I almost felt i was going to vomit.

When the girl was out of sight Ethan turned to me.

"Was that necessary?" He growled his eyes still quite not meeting mine.

" I wonder how you even became a black card." I folded my arms and passed him and kept on walking passing different rooms.

I head his light and soft footsteps  following mine until I felt his presence next to me.

"You could have said something else?"

"Do you think she would have belived it? When you come into some romance club with your friend? Uh no." I narrowed my eyes at him and suddenly halted.

"And is it that bad?" I glared at him, his face was confusion itself and his cheeks glowed red, he opend his mouth to say something but i blocked him, afriad to hear his resoponse.

I knew everyone hated me. Even my mom my parents, my friends, my neighbors. I had met him not even for a month and how would he accept me when others knew me for ages and hated me.
They never loved me for real except for my sister. I should not bring emotions into this game. I defiantly should not.
Its a business and no emotion and business fit together like a repelling magnet. Let alone my feelings. Only thing which is important is winning the game right now, not getting any good relationships.
And if, just if that guy who warned me was right, i should not trust Ethan too much. Just in case.

"Nevermind don't answer that." I turned my eyes away from him.  I shifted and moved towards the other side, far away from Ethan. Then I found my self in front of a weird looking door.

The door was draped with purple silk and slashed and splashes of glittering silver were like beautiful scars in the endless night sky. The colour seemed to shift together and merge as if to show a magic performance.

" Is it...... this the room?" I shifted my position to face the door and it had a writing on a strong iron hanwriting, soft yet strong. "Find Your Fate."

"Riana...." he paused for a moment. "Yes it is the room we are looking for"

I pushed the door open and smoke of white and pink fume bewitched the air and green light spilled out through the cracks.

"Hello?" I slowly whispered, peeking through the thick smoke as my eyes darted across the room.


"Hello?" I whispered again.


Was this a fraud? A wrong room?

Click, crack, crunch

I wipped my head towards the noise and Ethan's hand quickly grabbed for the hilt of his sword. 

Yet, again, nothing

Where was the witch?

It was too late. Too dark. Too vague. Too smoky to see, to notice.

Suddenly a sound of loud shriek and a laugh  rang in my ear like a war trumpet, shouting, warning me for the doom.
I saw NOW. But it was too late. The sharp, long nail tore out through the mist of curtain of fumes aiming for my face.

I closed my eyes

........................ ...........

Hello, guys thanks for reading till here! I am very very thankful that you came to read this:) you guys are just blessing to me.

Im sorry its really short.. super super DOOPER sorry!!  :♡

I plz dont be silent♡♡☆☆

I really want to get to know my readers and of course I am very close to my participants as well

SO PLZ COMMENT AND VOTE. It is a strong encouragement for me!!! Plz help me continue writing.!♡ love u guys!

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