Chapter Two: Walls

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Airi paced down the hall holding her books against her chest. The moment from yesterday continued to replay in her mind, making her cheeks a soft rose from frustration and embarrassment. Since the accident she had lost the confidence that is easily seen in her brother. But the way she acted like a caught child and becoming flustered at someone noticing left her annoyed. 

A light tap on her shoulder broke her hurried strides and restored her attention. The hard line of her mouth turned to softened smile when she realized it was Haruno. The manager was one of the few people she had bothered to befriend and attempt to trust after becoming roommates with her the first year. At times she could be a bit of a mess, but always knew a way to uplift the mood. She made the effort to understand.

"Eijun said that he saw you at the field yesterday right after lunch," she noted as the two continued down the school hall at a slower pace.

Airi sighed, tightening her grip on her school books. Of course he had talked to Haruno about it. They were roommates and she knew about Mei, but there was another factor the baseball boys didn't know about. 

"I had managed a full school year without anyone paying me any attention," Airi responded. "It was silly to think I could keep it up. There's no point in watching the teams play anyways..." Her voice saddened and the corners of her mouth drooped.

Haruno wasn't sure what to say. No matter the time they had spent together she had only ever gotten pieces about Airi's baseball career and what had ended it. Working with the baseball team had shown her that players can be sensitive and fragile from a single mistake. Once something was broke it was hard to restore to the original. Haruno had seen it with both Sawamura and Furuya. But for them it was just bad games and blokes, for Airi it was a change of life.

"Airi..." Haruno started slowly, "would you want to accompany me to the field when everyone's having dinner tonight?" The girl looked at her in surprise. "I know I'm pretty clumsy and never actually played, but I thought maybe we could play catch if you'd be up—" Airi stopped in her tracks.

Haruno had suggested a few times since they first started school to try throwing again, but this was the first time she bothered to do so outside of the room in public. It was also the first time she suggested they play together, other times she just said to use a net and not feel pressured by others and it was only a theoretical idea. This was direct. 

Airi's surprise quickly turned to frustration. There was no where to go while in the school hall and she couldn't voice her true response. Her emotions were clouded, knowing her friend was trying her best but digging in at a sore subject. Her eyes glimmered with a light mist, blinking a few times to quell the tears attempting to form. 

"Haruno." The name came out cold, the gaze of her steel blue eyes hardened and the tears vanished. 

Haruno was shocked at the quick flip in expression and just how much she looked like her brother when he was on the mound at a game. When he wanted to destroy any hope his opponents had for defeating him. A chill ran down her spine and the hairs on the back of her neck prickled; this was the attitude of Airi the pitcher.  Her normally soft lips flatted into a harsh line. Seconds dragged on painfully slow, Airi just watched Haruno with no notice of the thinning traffic around them. Class would be starting soon.

"There's a familiar look," a sly voice commented from beside them. "Is there a problem?"  Airi broke their eye contact and looked at Miyuki, the cold glare continuing. A score book was in his hand, most likely to give to Haruno to review. She had seen her friend and some of the players read over them in class at various times.

"I have class to get to," was all Airi responded before making her exit. The same intensity still radiating around her.

Miyuki watched after he once more, a curious smile pulling at his mouth. Haruno just stood there in awe. She had never seen her roommate respond in such away, but this was the first time she had made the direct suggestion and where there were on lookers. Her heart sank. She knew Airi's reaction was a defense and not aimed to hurt her, but it still rattled her that the question could spark such malice.

"It was my fault, really," Haruno explained, slowly taking the score book from the captain. "I asked a question that I knew I shouldn't have, it wasn't fair to put her in the situation." She looked down in defeat. 

"What was the question?" Miyuki couldn't resist the opportunity.

Haruno bit her lip, not knowing what to say. Airi had made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with that part of her anymore, but this was Miyuki. The manager had seen him build people back up from such lows she couldn't imagine. And he was a catcher, this was his specialty.

"I asked..." Haruno hesitated, but the intent look form the captain had solidified her resolve. This was to help her friend. "I asked if she'd want to play catch while you guys were at dinner this evening." Haruno watched as excitement passed behind Miyuki's eyes.   

"Would you be able to get her there?" The question caught her off guard. Miyuki smirked at the raise of her eyebrows. "Just get her there by 5:30 and I promise I'll handle the rest. You can trust me." 

Haruno watched the captain with a new hope. Since she had met him she was always surprised at his snarky comments and pointed words when it came to the players, but it always seemed to be what was best and helped. Her heart lighted at the thought of him helping Airi and breaking down the icy wall she had built. All she could do was give a nod as a wide smile formed on her lips. The captain headed back towards the third year rooms with a light chuckle, undoubtly already thinking up different possibilities.

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