Folklore (scraps) pt1

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Makoto Naegi was early, like super duper early to the point that some of the teachers where just rocking up. As it was his first day Naegi decided to get to school early enough so he could explore around, as being one of the few schools known to have both Monsters and Humans within the curriculum. However the human to monster ratio is a normal one per class or none if there are too many dangerous creatures.
Makoto shakes those thoughts away and skips into the building, in awe of the architecture and cleanliness of the colossal school lobby. As he walks around the intercomns begin to ring and call Makoto to the headmasters office, Makoto wonders if this is his luck coming into play.

"Makoto Naegi, please come to the Headmaster's office. I repeat Makoto Naegi, please come the the headmaster's office."

"Well I better head off then, I don't want to get in trouble..." Makoto makes his way down the halls, running into a man or a where they a creature? They wore a white suit and a ferdora, and he seemed to be drinking something suspicious.

"I'm excuse me sir do you know where the headmasters office is?" They guy stopped his drinking and looked Makoto in the eyes, Makoto thought he saw a flash of recognition in his shining eyes.

"Makoto Naegi right? Yeah I'll take ya to Jin, anyway your the lottery kid right?" Makoto nods as he follows the ragged man as they twist and turn down hallways,stopping because the blond guy had hung his arm around Makoto's shoulders.
"Of course you are, I scouted you and saw if you had any problems or stuff. Oh I nearly forgot to introduce myself, the names Koichi Kizakura, a pleasure to talk to you."

Eyeing the male draped over him, Makoto nods with a look of confusion. This Guy already knew him? And was the one responsible for passing the second test?
"Likewise Sir, but if you don't mind me asking but does scouting mean you know both their talent and species?"

Koichi nods and leans closer to his ear, since he's even closer now Makoto can now feel the breaths of alcohol.
"Yeah, but now that I'm closer to you...  you seem to have a odd smell? All well, but I'll warn you your class has many deadly creatures in it... just try not to annoy the goth chick to much and die kiddo."

With that Makoto gets pushed into the headmasters office, and with the door slammed into his face. Nervously looking around the office, he spots many items. Form weird to wonderful, everything's was so distracting.
How does the Headmaster get anything done around here?
"Oh Naegi! A pleasure to see you!" Turning around Makoto spots the headmaster, a humanoid looking creature with
Bowing Makoto positions himself in a 90 degree angle and says, "Good Morning Headmaster Kirigri! It is also a pleasure to meet you!" All Makoto's nerves can be very easily heard.

Meeting Shuichi
I was walking down a hallway, just minding my business and I bumped into a junior. His head has horns and he has dancing blue flames around him, his cap must be ontight cause it didn't fall off.
"Oh sorry there! I didn't mean to bump into you, let me help."
Bending down to help gather his things, the junior began to mumble his own apologies.
After picking up every book and page that fell out Makoto introduced himself to the junior, "Hey sorry about that my name is Naegi Makoto!"

"Shuichi Saihara, class 79..." Makoto notices that he never looked him in the eyes when talking, is that apart of his heritage? Or is it just him, shaking away those thoughts Makoto adds his own class number.

"Well I'm in class 78, thinking about it now your in the same year as my sister if she went here! Well Saihara if I can help you in anyway just ask and I can see what I can do!"

"A-ah thank you Senpai for the offer, I'll see you around..." He drifts off, not finishing the sentence but looks away shyly. Makoto ignoring those fact waves a good bye and a bid of fair well."

"See you around Saihara!" Makoto makes his way to his lab, as he opened the door he relise that he never told Shuichi his talent. "Whoops"

Saihara walks way to his next class, giddy for bumping into such a bright soul. He didn't look hard enough to see the type but who could blame him? It was blindingly bright.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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