Chapter 1

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I walked around this new place. Palm trees everywhere with lakes and pixies. My black lace hood was up as my bow and arrows were behind me. My black button shirt was button up till the last 2 buttons creating a v shape. I stuffed my hands in my skin tight black jeans as the telegram was in my back pocket. I was called by the Tale Crew which I like to call the Loo Crew to train and fight for the Fairytale Nation. I was wandering Neverland trying to find the stupid campsite.
"Where the hell is this place?" I muttered to myself. I kept walking then all of a sudden my arm was pulled. I spun around to meet a boy. He was tall and his eyes were dark as his hair. His body was clothed in dark greens and black.
"Who are you?" he asked. He obviously checked me out, but he couldn't see much because my hood.
"Oh hood cause you where a hood, clever" he said sarcastically.
"No smart ass I'm the legend of little red riding hood" He laughed
"Sweetie It's little red riding hood not little black riding hood"
"You obviously don't know your facts, I used to be the little kind red riding hood. Yes, it's true that I went to go see my grandmother cause she was ill, but the part that is different when I left the big bad wolf came and killed my parents and siblings and he came after me. I'm not dumb when he asked the questions where you going? I led him to a blank forest where I shot and killed him with a bow and arrow, but before he went to the blank forest he killed my grandmother too, so I'm now the only child/ person in my family. I made this black lace hood in remembrance of the ones I have lost."
"Oh well then" he said bluntly, "so who are you?" I asked.
"Peter, Peter Pan" he smiled.
"Not surprised." I said. I rolled my eyes and kept walking.
"So exactly why are you here?" He followed me.
"I was called to fight in Tale Crew" I rolled my eyes but he couldn't see.
"Same reason I'm here" he led to the campsite where all sorts of fairytales and legends lied.
"Can you take off your hood?" He asked. I slowly reached and took off my hood revealing my straight brown hair and brown eyes. The only thing making it light was the the torches that lit the path. I saw from the corner of my eyes his eyebrow raised as he bit his bottom lip. He still couldn't see my face. I put back on my hood as we met the sign in area where I had to get checked out. A girl with blonde hair and dark blue eyes let her hand out "I'll take you" her name tag read "fawn" she led me into a white room, "name?"
"Hood, also know as little red riding hood" she wrote my name and look up at me
"lie on the bed please" she took my blood pressure and did the normal check up. She took out a needle.
"I need to take a pint of your blood"
"Just incase if you get infected with something we can take charge quicker" she prepped my arm before stabbing me with this needle.
"This will hurt just a little" I looked away as the blood was being drawn "ow" I said after she was done. She put a bandage on my arm and gave me some clothes and my room key
"if you would like, your attire is appropriate for some courses so you can where those clothes"
"thanks m'mam" I said as I walked out and found my room and slept the whole day as I was very tired from traveling.
I woke up and took a look at the time, 5:00 AM. I looked at my schedule
Day 1- parter patterns ~ 6:00 AM
I got ready as I looked at my attire; black shirt and sweatpants they gave me, my hood was up. I put on some black converse and walked out of my room. I walked to the training room where we would be meeting. Around 6:10 we settled down. I looked around I found Mulan, Pocahontas, Hercules, and a couple others. A man spoke,
"today is a very short day, my name is Guard, and I'm going to be calling out your parter that you will be training with the whole time your here" he started calling out names but I didn't really pay attention.
"Hood and Peter" I heard from the distance. I mentally shot myself in the face. I walked to the edge where we were suppose to meet, he came and sat next to me.
"So here we are again" he laughed
"Don't get any ideas Peter" I said he smirked I looked up and notice that his hair was a dark blonde almost brown and his eyes where a dark blue. I looked at him same dark green and black clothes.
"Okay! That's a wrap you guys can get settled in your rooms and talk to your partners if you want but other than that your set free" Guard said walking away. I got up and started to walk.
"Why do you always wear that hood? I mean for reverence, but why don't you take it off?" Peter said behind me. I didn't want to explain my insecurities of myself and how I wanted to be left unknown, so I just kept walking like if I didn't hear him. He was walking beside me.
"I know you heard me" he says raising an eyebrow.
"I do take it off" I said.
"When?" He crossed his arms.
"When it's night and in my room" I said. "Why don't you let people see you true self?" He asked.
"Because I don't have a true self. It was taken away from me, and I will never get it back." I said. I felt my inside burn. The thought that I have been hiding myself for years. I feel like I have lost all feeling and I'm just numb to the world. No one can save me. I've gone to far into the darkness.
"Oh" he put his arm around my shoulders "maybe I can help. I am Peter Pan aren't I?" He raise an eyebrow. I pushed him away "no you can't I rather be left alone" I walked a little faster
"Why is that?" He was in front of me now.
"How did you-"
"I'm Peter Pan I have magic" he smiled
"Oh how could I forget!" I smiled
"All boys in tights have magic" I clasped my hands together. He pushed me against a tree. His hands on my shoulders
"Your a little feisty aren't you? I like a little sass" he smirked. I slipped underneath him and kept walking.
"You never answered my question" he said beside me.
"What question" I hissed
"Why do you like being alone?" We passed the check-in. We were creeping closer to my room.
"I don't like to talk about it" I scanned the new surround. I was going the wrong way. I turned and started going the right way.
"Why? It's better telling me why you like to be alone" he kept on pushing me to say my reasoning.
"Why do you care" I said. I shoved my hands into my pockets and started kicking a rock as I went down the row of rooms searching for my room.
"because you interest me" he smiled.
"yeah because my past is interesting" I shuffled in my pockets for my keys.
"it could be" He said. I unlocked my door
"I'm sorry, but I don't really want to talk about it. It's just so... Complicated and stressful" I said having a hand on the door.
"well it's okay, just curious. Just remember don't let the past haunt you. The past can hold good, but it also holds bad" He leaned against the doorway.
"okay" I said
"Maybe we can talk later today?" He said. I checked the time as it read 10:37.
"Sure" I said
"Meet me at the lake at 7:35" he said
"Okay" I smiled but it was unseen
"See you then" he said
I shut the door and walked over to the mirror. I looked into it and saw the black shadow covering my face. I slowly uncovered my bare face. I untied the hood from me and laid it carefully on the bed. I looked at myself. This face that I couldn't bare to look at. I looked away and grabbed my towel and went to go shower. Peter's words burned my mind as it was repeating the past can hold good but it also holds bad. I wanted to stay unknown, but something was telling me to change my ways. I couldn't think of anything else just his words. Why was he doing this to me?
7:30 rolled around and I didn't know what to do. I put my usual black t shirt with black jeans, but I was unsure if I should wear my hood. All my life I wore a hood, so why should I change? But sometimes change can be good, but it can be bad. I looked at this hood that I have made it to hide myself. I decided to tie it around my neck but not keep the hood up cause it was dark. I walked blindly to the lake I pasted when I first came here. I sat down knowing Peter would show up soon. I checked my phone to see the time illuminate 7:35. I sat with my knees close to me staring at the water as the moon light danced on it.
"Isn't it nice?" I turned to see Peter next to me.
"Yeah it is" I sighed.
"You're not wearing your hood" he said
"I know but you still can't see my face" I said
"I see that" he laughed "why don't you like to show your face?" I felt like I should tell him, but I felt like I shouldn't. Peter is sweet and kind, but how do I know he can be trustworthy? Screw it. I let out a sigh before telling him everything.
"I want to keep myself unknown. I feel like I'm not good enough to show my face. I have lost all feeling to the world. I never think right. I'm never am alright. I'm broken, I can't be fix. I've been pulled into a world of darkness." I lowered my head.
"You shouldn't feel like that" he pulled me close. "Why do you think these things?"
"Because I've lost everyone. I don't have any help. I'm in a world where there's no escape. I'm numb to my surroundings. I'm lost. Everything is a double edge sword."
I saw his eyes water. He blinked the tears away.
"My life is broken. I don't belong here" I said. My eyes burned my throat closed.
"Your past has haunted you and you can't escape it. You can't escape it by yourself." I looked at him.
"What do you mean?" He turned to face me.
"Your past is destroying you. The death of your love ones is holding you back and making you feel not worthy of life cause they were killed." I looked into the water then turned to see he was gone. I got up and just walked away. My chest was heavy as it was hard for me to walk. My eyes blurred as my cheeks became hot. I walked into my room and just fell asleep. I couldn't take this pain. I didn't want to believe Peter. My life is shattered into pieces.

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