Chapter 2

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I woke up and got a shower to wake me up. I dried off and took a look at my schedule
Day 2- basic of archery~ 7:30 AM
I took a look at the time 5:30 AM. I got changed in my black jeans and a black t shirt and grabbed my hood. Peter's words burned my chest. Don't let the past haunt you. I felt unsettled thinking of this. I looked at my hood. A representation of my past. I thought to myself, no matter how good you can be there's always a small bit of bad. I became more comfortable with myself. I looked at my hood. I reached in my bag and took out my old hood. It was red.
"Little red! Little red!" My mother called. "Yes mother!" I shouted from my backyard. "Your grandmother is very ill, would you mind taking some cakes and wine over to her?" My mother said holding a little basket.
"Sure thing!" I said getting up from my flower garden. My mother handed me my basket. I hugged her tight,
"I love you darling" she said
"I love you too mother" I said. She let go of me and said
"Go tell your father goodbye" she smiled
"Goodbye father! I'll be back!" I said hugging him.
"Goodbye my sweet child" he said
"Goodbye little red!" My sister called
"Goodbye Charlotte!" I called back
"Goodbye little red!" My brother called
"Goodbye Jacob!" I called. I walked out grabbing my bows for protection and headed my way.
I saw my family lying their cold. My heart wrenched in pain. Scratched on the neck. Blood drips everywhere. I didn't know what to do. I called the police as they took them away as they cleaned the floor.
I took my grandmother's old sheet of lace and sewed pieces together creating a hood and a cloak.
I shook my head from the memory. My eyes were tearing up. I looked at the hoods, my past all the memories. The memories that are good and bad. I pulled them close in my chest then released them. I ripped the cloak part of the hood and had just the hood tied around my neck, but didn't put it up. I grabbed a bag that my parents left me. The bag had a note,
when you are old enough wear this :)
- mom
I ripped the note off and opened the bag. Makeup. I looked at the inside, eyeliner pencil, eyelash curler, mascara, and red lipstick. Not exactly what I excepted. I was expecting a bow or ribbon of some sort, but this will do. I curled my lashed and tight lined my eyes. I applied the mascara and put on the lipstick. I looked at myself. I looked dark and mysterious. My hair was straighten. I put the hood over my head feeling unsure if I should do what I planned to do. I looked at the time, 7:20. I locked my door grabbed by bow and arrow and headed my way to the training room. I sat in my assign seat as Peter would be sitting next to me and a kid named Quinn would be to my left. Peter walked in and sat next to me.
"Hey" he said
"Hey" I said softly.
"I didn't know you brought your red hood with you" he smiled
"How did you know?" I said
"I'm Peter Pan remember" he said in his little accent
"So if your Peter Pan you know about this" I slowly reveal myself. I looked at him. His eyes widen
"No I didn't know about this?" He said
"But why do you still wear the hood around you?" He asked
"No matter how good you are there's is always a small bit of bad" I smiled
"I never imagined you would look like this" he shook his head to the floor.
"What'd you think?" I raised an eyebrow
"I thought you would be like full of scars and be weird looking, but I was way wrong" he smirked and raised an eyebrow. I looked down as I felt my cheek radiate red. I never felt that way before. That stupid smirk gets me every time.
"Alright guys time for training." Guard clasped his hands together.
"Get your bow and arrows but if you have your own find a spot in a tree with your partner" I quickly got up and looked at all the trees. Tall, short then I found the perfect tree. It was a little tall but it had great surrounding.
"Come on I found the perfect tree" I told Peter. We ran to the tree before anyone else could. I looked up the tree I tried to find a point to start climbing. I found a spot where the trunk spreads into 2 pieces. I started to climbed the tree till I was in the middle of it. I found a good position and sat their. I looked down and couldn't find Peter. Great.
"Up here love" I heard him call. I looked up a couple branches higher where he can obliviously be seen.
"Your going to be noticeable" I said
"No" he said
"Whatever" I said rolling my eyes.
"Alright we are going to be camping out here tonight. To get the feel for the surrounding so at lunch you can decide to get extra clothes if you would like, but that's besides the point. I'm coming around marking your trees with you and your parters names." He said grabbing a knife. I saw him walk around for a little. I looked up at the sky finding the little clouds and how it reminded me of when I was little in my flower garden.
"Names" he called
"Hood" I said
"And Peter" Peter called
"Okay great and Mr. Pan?" He called
"Yes?" Peter said. Guard shot a arrow as it skimmed his shoulder hitting the tree.
"You can be seen" I smiled and laughed a little. Peter appeared right next to me to my left.
"So you were right little red" he smiled. The name rushed to my chest and made it burn. I gridded my teeth and bit my tongue so I wouldn't say something stupid.
"Okay I have set 3 targets set up for each person. Everyone has an assign color. Find your color. Shoot it. ready set go." Guard yelled. I looked down at where he marked the tree, my color was black. Of course. I quickly looked around trying to find one. I saw one posted on a tree. I drew the arrow back and shot it.
"Wow little red! I never knew you were so good at archery" Peter squeaked as he hit a target. I clenched my jaw. Focus. I found another one to the far left on a tree way back. I drew the arrow back.
"Darling I don't think you can't make it that far" Peter said. I clenched my jaw harder. I shot the arrow has it hit the target. I found the last one by a boy in a tree. I drew the arrow back.
"Don't hit the boy" Peter called. I closed my eyes and let out a breath. I shot the arrow right behind him perfectly. I smiled at my work. Peter was still working on the last one. I watched him not focused at all and shoot the arrow straight into the last target. I rolled my eyes.
"Okay dismissed for lunch" Guard called. I slid down the tree walking to my room to get some clothes for tonight. I walked into the woods as this was the way to the rooms. All of a sudden I heard an arrow fly and a stinging pain in my arm. I looked down to find the arrow had skimmed me like Peter. I heard a voice
"Sorry!" Then a laugh from a different voice. I looked up to find 2 pixies one with oddly color hair and pale blue eyes and the other with brown hair and brown eyes. The brown hair was laughing hysterically as the other was in a panic.
"Don't worry bout it" I smiled. He climbed down the tree followed by the brown hair.
"I'm Dawnly and this is my parter Quinn." He said in an accent different from Peter's.
"I'm Hood" I smiled. "Well very pleasant meeting you" I said walking away. I turned into my room grabbing a light bag and putting some clothes and a blanket into it. I looked at the time 12:35 I still had about 30 minutes left. I didn't waste anytime. I grabbed my stuff and headed back to the trees. I walked past the woods and into the campsite. I found my tree marked with my name. I climbed it and found my spot again which was where the trunk splits and the branch next to it, so I can lay against the trunk for support. I looked up seeing no signs of Peter. What was up with him? He is acting all weird. I scratched the back of my neck. I shouldn't care what's the point. I soon just daydreamed a little.
"Whatcha thinking about love?" I heard from above me. I look up to find Peter twirling an arrow looking down at me.
"Nothing really just daydreaming" I shrugged.
"Okay! Now time for moving objects!" I've placed 3 dolls up with your mark on them go!" I looked for black marks. I found one and shot it. I automatically turned into hunting mode I could only hear the rhythm of my heart. I saw another one and shot is quickly. I couldn't find my last one but in matter of seconds of found it and shot it. I was finished. I could now hear all the other arrows flying.
"Hood" I heard Guard. I slid off the tree and met him.
"Yes sir" I said.
"I am very impressed with your work. In glad to see how focus you are. Best recruit I have ever seen"
"Thank you sir"
"Keep up the good work and Hood?"
"Yes sir?"
"Help your parter he seems to be in a bit of a... Dilemma" he smiled. I look up to find him hanging upside down off of a tree branch. I climb up the tree in my spot and leaned against the tree. I saw him struggle trying to get up. I rolled my eyes, here we go.
"Peter, it has come to my attention that you are hanging around" I said not looking at him.
"Shut up Hood and help me" he laughed. I grabbed his hands and helped him flip around. I laughed as his hair was all messed up and his face was red from hanging upside down for too long. I watched him as he pulled the arrow back and shoot it from a matter of distance. He was not focus and he still hit it. How can it be? Oh wait he's Peter Pan he can do anything. I watched him hit the last one and we looked around seeing everyone struggling. I saw Dawnly and his parter again as Dawnly fell out of the tree as Quinn laughed. I smiled and slightly laughed at the sight.
"What are you laughing at?" Peter said. I turned to see Peter leaning against the tree.
"Nothing. Just myself" I looked up and saw the clouds.
"Everything is different in Neverland" Peter said. I rolled my eyes. I didn't care what he had to say, but then I got curious. What so different about this place? I slid down the tree eager to find something 'different'. Since I was finished I could roam around if I wanted to. I walked to the back of the woods were it was dark. I saw a fox run past. Nothing out of the ordinary. I walked looking around. Nothing. This is stupid I thought. Then all of a sudden I saw a small light that left a trail of what looking like fairy dust? I got closer to the light turn into a girl she had blonde hair and blue eyes.
"Hello Hood" she smiled. How did she know my name? I raised an eyebrow
"Exactly how do you know my name?" I lean against a tree.
"I'm a friend of Peter" Great "he talks about you a lot" she giggled.
"What's your name?" I asked
"Tinker Bell but you can call me Tink"
"Oh very nice to meet you" I smiled
"Well I must get back to the training" I started to walk away.
"Well here" she handed me a small pouch
"Weren't you looking for something different" she smiled
"Thank you"
"Your welcome" she said. Her voice faded away as I stuck the pouch in my pocket. I walked into the campsite. I was bombarded at the sight of everyone dancing and jumping around to music. I made my way closer finding lots of people dancing in a circle. I saw Peter playing a small instrument. The day looks like it went by really fast, it was already getting darker. Why is that? I checked the time, 4:34. Time go by quicker I guess. I sat next to Dawnly and Quinn as we strike a conversation very quickly. We talked a little longer but I decided to go by myself. I like to think. I climbed the tree in the same spot and just looked up at the sky. Stars filling the sky perfectly. It was a breath taking moment.
"Beautiful isn't it" I heard a voice behind me. I knew it was Peter as he always snuck up behind me.
"Yeah it is" I sighed. I laid back onto the tree trunk. I felt eyes burning on my skin. I turned so find Peter looking dead at me
"You okay?" I raised an eyebrow
"Yeah just admiring your presents" he smiled
"Don't you have Wendy to flirt with?" I rolled my eyes
"Wendy is not here. I sorta never liked her and she was crazy about me and sorta went all psychopath on me, so no I don't flirt with Wendy" I laughed slightly. I'm felt drowsiness come over me. I slipped down the tree with my bag. We weren't allowed to leave the campsite so I had no idea wear to change. Everyone was still at the camp fire dancing and singing. I looked up to find Peter dosing off, so maybe I could change fast. I grabbed my clothes out of my bag. A black long sleeve shirt and some black sweatpants. I checked Peter, still looking somewhere else. I quickly took off my pants and pulled the sweatpants and took off my shirt and pulled the other shirt over my head. Great no one saw me I smiled to myself.
"I saw you the whole time" Peter laughed. I felt my cheeks get red.
"Oh is someone blushing" Peter appeared next to me as he faintly touched my cheek. I relaxed as I looked at the sky. A beautiful sky. My thoughts were interrupted by the voice of Peter
"So how do you expect to sleep?"
"I don't know probably just like this" I said
He laughed at me. Me and him talked for a while then we both drifted away from each other and fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2014 ⏰

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