Chapter 3 (mask in dead flesh

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"Who the hell are you?"
"Officer friendly"

Alex's POV
I chuckled at ricks comment. Rick starts talking to him I just ignore it until I here him say "all I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son"
I give a confused look and thought "does he really think they are still alive". I cross my arms as everyone starts to try and find a way out. Jackie starts telling us about the pipes. " We can't just leave Dixon here even though he is a pile of shit" Andrea says. Rick throws the key at t-dog and nods his head. T-dog remains trying to get ahold of the others. We run to the part where it goes to piping system. Glenn starts to assign everyone jobs. "Alright Alex, Rick and Andrea you guys go down stairs and cover our asses if anything goes wrong. Jackie u keep watch. And you ur my wingman." Pointing at Morales. We all get ready. I go down stairs with Rick and Andrea in silence. I pull out my gun walking slowly waiting for anything. Andrea and Rick start talking but I couldn't really understand what they were saying. I walk over to the clothes and see a shirt with a turtle on it. I feel tears invade my eyes remembering when Sammy caught his first turtle. I wiped them away as I raise back up walking over to Andrea and Rick. The rotters break through the first part of glass.We run back meeting up with Glenn and the others at the top of the roof. I walk next to Andrea looking down at the burn down town.
"Are you from Atlanta?" Andrea asked trying to start a conversation.
"Born and raised. You? "
She looked up at me shaking her head no.
We began to talk more creating a good bond as Rick walks over.
"I have a plan. "

We walk back to the store part. He grabs white trench coats, blue gloves, and helmets. I stand in confusion wishing I paid more attention to things. I walk with the rest as I realize what they are doing. I gag and walk over to Glenn as his face turns white. I Pat his back "you are gonna be fine." I hand him my gun and give me a reassuring face. "Just in case". He takes it as he puts it in his belt. As Rick grabbed the axe I flinch at the Sound of it hitting the dead rotter. Every makes a groan as he hits the stomach of the rotter. He crouches down rubbing his nose " Make sure u don't get in your eyes or fingernails" We all start to dig into the deceased man. They start putting it on Glenn and Rick I help as I slowly feel nauseous. As Rick takes another swing Glenn goes over and vomits on the floor. "What the hell is wrong with u" Andrea says feeling sick also. I go over to Glenn helping him up. "Think about something else like puppies and kittens." Rick says with a white tent on his face. "Dead puppies and kittens" T-dog comments I close my eyes to stop the image of popping in my head. As they were covered they grabbed crow bars and started to walk out.

"Be safe" I say in a worry

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