Harold <3

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Harold is now my love! <3
We went the school party..... Debbie went with Camron, I went with....Harold. We slowed danced. We talked....we kissed. We are now dating. Debbie and Harold , are my happiness. I'm going on a date with Harold when I'm suppose to be with Debbie. Debbie is ok with it and no one will now. Heidi will think I'm sick. We have been dating for half a month but it feels like forever
"Hey Lilian. Here are some roses. You got nowhere to live yet?"
"No, but I just had an job interview."
"We're at?"
"Babies R' US........ring....oh, that's them, excuse me."
"I got the job! So if we stared a family, wink, I get payed 15 per hours."
"Sweet. Your 17?"
"Yep, 18 in two months. Still need a home...."
"Well, I have a question Lily."
"What's wrong Hale?"
"Nothing! It just....will you marry me?
"Harold! Yes!"

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