Favorite show to watch together

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Thank you so much for the ideas lovelies <3
The two of you actually enjoy watching crime shows together. Shows like Blue Bloods, Criminal Minds, Law & Order, so on. You both like trying to figure out the crime before the show tells you, along with seeing who was right. Though sometimes you get emotional so he'll hold you close as you watch it together.
He also likes watching shows sappy musicals with you, though he'd never admit that.

He'll watch anything with you honestly. He really just likes holding you close as you both watch things together. Even though it's not shows his favorite thing is watching Disney things with you, because then he could start singing and acting out parts with you.
Though when it comes to horror, you're the one holding him. That's probably the only thing he doesn't like watching is scary things but as long as he's with you he'll try to brave it out.

You two have a hard time picking out something to watch, but the one things you both agree with is WWE smack down.
You both really get into it too. It gives him some action and you some drama. Win win situation.
Despite that he is a closet romcom fam. He would never admit it to ANYONE. So when he's complaining about watching a 'sissy show' it's all an act and most likely he's already seen it before.

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