Chapter 1: Our Kiss

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The sound of pounding woke me up. it sounds like some one is pounding on my dorm room door.

"What the hell?!" I half mumbled to myself as I pulled my blanket over my head trying to get back to sleep. Ill tell you something I don't like to be woke up. So if u ever wake me up you better have a good reason for doing it.

The pounding just continued. I being the only one in my dorm room tonight meant I had to get the door. My roommate was "spending" the night at his girl of the week. And i don't kid when i say "girl of the week" every girl he dates knows the rules. its a seven day relationship. he gets what he wants and moves on.

It bothers me. I never had a real girlfriend but the fact I share a room with him no girl wants to date someone affiliated with a player. I cant blame them. But I'm the opposite of him.

Finally irritated enough by the pounding I pulled myself out of bed and walk to the door. I could care less that I'm in my boxers but who ever is at the door they brought that on to them self's for waking me up at such an early hour. Thinking about the time I glanced at the clock as I walked to the door. 4:17 am. What the fuck who the hell would be here this early.

As soon as I opened the door i regretted opening it in my boxers for the most beautiful girl I've ever seen stood in fount of me.

"BEN!!!" She screamed at me. Her face was red. She must have been drinking. Her long brown hair was in tangled cascades over her shoulder. Her stunning slender body was draped in a striking red dress with making heels in her hands.

"Ben's not here he's at his girls place. I'm just the room mate. You got a message to pass on to him or something?" I leaned against the door frame just taking her in. I'm gonna kill Ben if she don't get to him first. How he'd ever just play a girl like her I have no idea.

She just stared at me for a moment then pushed her way passed me in to my room. As if i would have held her back or something. Not a beauty like her. "BEN!!?" she shouted once more and stormed around the room.

"Ben is obviously not here." I spoke as I walked over to my bed and flopped down on it. I just sat there and watched her as she stormed around our room some more still looking for him. she even looked in the bathroom more then once. and under both our beds. All the while never once turning a light on. Or minding me much.

"Ok Missy, I bet I know why your mad at him and all but he is not here so u can leave now. I got sleeping I need to do I have a test in the morning." As I spoke I got up and walked over to her. As she checked the bathroom which seamed like the thousandth time she had done that.

It was obvious that she was not gonna respond to me. Yet again. " Ok I'm done. Time to leave." I took hold of her arm. At my touch she whipped around to look at me with her intense blue eyes. She opened then closed her mouth like a fish. It seamed she wanted to say something to me but couldn't form the words.

With my hand still on her arm she just stared at me. Just taking me in. "Again. Its Time...." before I could finish her lips were crushed to mine and my back was against the wall.

My hand slipped off her arm as she slid her arms up my chest and around my neck digging her hands in to my already bed head messy hair. Never once removing her lips from mine. She didn't even seam to notice my hesitation as she kissed me more. But it wasn't hunger in her kiss. Nor was it just lust. Yes lust was there but so was some other unknown emotion.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist pulling her close. To afraid that this all was some kind of weird dream. But I wasn't gonna let a girl like this just slip away from me either way. Once i stared to slowly kiss her, her entire body relaxed in to mine and she slowed her kissing. Just molding in to mine.

"Duke!!!! You wont believe what Stacy did!" Ben came barging in threw the door. And with in that split moment her lips were no longer on mine.

"Whoa! Looks like I've interrupted something." Ben spoke with a sly smile. And with that the beautiful dream in front of me looked at me one more time before walking off and out our room.

I sighed knowing ill probably never see her again.


Author note: Hope u liked the first chapter. please like, comment and vote. and check out some of my other stories.


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