Chapter 4

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Tori Bright woke up in the morning, laying on the ground. She found twigs, dirt, some dust and other nature's belongings. Then she checked her shoulders there were holes in her shirt and some dry blood. She got up then took her first step in this town. With the first step that Tori Bright took in the abandoned town something felt off.

It wasn't the fact that some of the buildings started to fall apart, not even the fact that some of the windows were smashed, it wasn't the fact that some of the paint on the building were chipping off, or how mother nature was trying to take over an old town like this since she has seen somethings like this before. Like in her own home town, yet something about this town creeped her out and she couldn't put a finger on it. Was it the fact that there was a wall around this town or was it the fact that there was no other soul but her in this town? She wasn't able to brush it off.

She went into the building to first find a conturer, some things were knocked down, there was some plush-like thing moulding and painted wooden houses. She fell when her eyes found a skull and some bones next to it. Then she backed off and her hand met something slimy, at that moment she cried out "Mother, where are you?". At that point, she went deeper into the store, followed the stairs. There were some carving tools, and other cutting stuff. There was more slimy stuff, but it looked like clothing was covering the goop. "Oh geez, I wonder what happened to them.". Without a second going by the roof cave in, so Tori got over the many wooden figures, and steps in unknown goop. However, something about the building made her go back inside.

She saw parts of the roof that had caved in, then attempted to get on the part of the roof that didn't cave in. When she got on the roof, she stood up to examine more than this town. There seemed to be at least three or more towns, one with a lot of greenery, one with a desert , and there was a river going through it. Tori saw the area she wanted to go, however the area with a lot of greenery was the closest one to the town she was at. Before she could make a plan, the roof started to fall apart. She was forced to jump on to the wooden ground then leave the building right afterwards.

She went outside of the town's walls, then she headed into the woods. About to explore the area, hopping to get to town that was closest to her. Maybe her mother was in that town, waiting for Tori.

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