Unrelenting Fear

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"COLBY!" Sam shouted as he dropped the camera not caring if it broke. He tried to get around the couch to get to where his best friend fell, only for a hand to grab a hold of his hood stopping him.

    "Dude, the ground's unstable." Corey said as Sam watched the hole that Colby disappeared into.

    "We can't just stand here!"

    "I know, bu-"

    "Colby, can you hear me?" Sam yelled before falling silent waiting for a response. Silence was the only response they heard and panic warped across their features as Corey turned rushing back towards the entrance.

    "There's gotta be a stairway down." Corey yelled to Sam as he scooped up the camera, finding it still recording and not broken.

    "Corey, we never checked the last room!" Sam shouted, bringing the other to him as they bolted towards the unopened door. An office, sat destroyed as the two rushed around the room trying to see if there was a door but didn't find one. Sprinting out into the rest of the house they searched the other side of the building. They came up empty with no sign of a way to get downstairs and they rushed back to the living room.

    "There's no service." Corey growled before shoving the useless phone in his jeans pocket. Sam tested the wood hearing it creak under his weight, and he quickly backed off. "Colby can you hear us?" A voice whimpered from below before a single word could be heard.


    "Colby, holy shit are you okay?" Sam yelled as he paced from the kitchen.

    "No." The answer was quick and Sam felt his heart plummet. He exchanged a look with Corey as he set down the camera on a peninsula in the kitchen, having the light shine towards the living room.

    "How bad are you?"

    "I... I... my... my arm... fuck... my side... I can't." Colby stuttered. Sam's pacing increased the panic rolling off of him in waves. Corey tried to think before grabbing his flashlight.

    "We couldn't find a way down to you. Can you see anything?" Corey asked, trying to get the other talking.

    "It's dark... can't see much... I... my head..."

    "Hey, Colby. It's okay, we are going to get to you. But we need you to find a staircase, we can't find it. Please do you see anything?" Sam almost begged as silence fell again. The two waited for a few moments hoping to hear something anything.

    "It's... its...a pentagram..."


    "I... I landed o...on a pentagram." Colby clarified as Sam wanted to scream. Corey took a deep breath before taking a careful step towards the living room as it creaked forcing him back. Sam didn't need another thought as he leapt up on the couch, and he was thankful no sound came from under it. Distributing his weight he moved over the gray fabric carefully, moving as close as he possibly could to see into the hole. He was still a bit away so he couldn't see down, but he could give Colby some light. Grabbing for his flashlight, he shined the light down the hole a bit.

    "What do you see?" Sam asked as a pained noise escaped the hole and he had to restrain himself from leaping down it.

    "I can't... everything hurts..." Colby whimpered as Sam glanced at Corey.

    "Colby please."

    "... I see... cement... it's so dark... blood..." Sam shook with the last word, before willing himself to focus as he moved the light. "Wood... glass..." Sam moves the light again, hoping Colby could see all around him. "Stairs... stairs leading up. Back towards the kitchen... I think." Corey is yanking everything open he possibly can a few moments later, tearing open the fridge to the different drawers knocking items out as he went.

    "Good. We are going to get you out of there."

    "Sam... can you move the light a bit more..." Colby asked as Sam obeyed, moving it a bit to the left. "No... upwards." Sam blinked before moving the light back and leaning further over the couch. A small moan escaped the floor below him and he closed his eyes, breathing slowly as the creaking stopped.

    "It's locked." Sam's head stopped.

    "It's locked?" Sam questioned, hoping he had heard it wrong.

    "A lock on the door. I don't..." Colby mumbled before silence, Sam wanted to shriek again. The noise of Corey destroying the kitchen filling the quiet, as he waited, the silence killing him. "I think... there's something down here..."

    "Corey!" Sam yelled, causing the other to stop looking over his shoulder at the blonde haired man. "We need to get down there now!"

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