Silent Cries

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"Stupid children." The woman growled as Sam watched the recovered footage from the camera. His eyes scanning the screen over and over as she started slamming the axe into different parts of the house. The computer hummed on his lap, his one ear cushion over his right ear as the other sat behind his left. He glanced at the motionless body on the hospital bed beside him, the faint beeps of the machine echoing through the room. Colby looked better, his color was back and he was breathing without the aid of a machine. His head was wrapped in gauze and there were patches of his hair missing. Sam knew the younger would be a bit irritated with the patches where the stitches were sown in his head. The soft words of the doctor still ringing in his head, grade 3 concussion. Colby's left arm was in a sling, and the skin around his side was sewn shut and wrapped in tight gauze. His cracked ribs were bandaged, but it was hard to see them under the hospital gown. If Sam didn't know better he could just say that his best friend was just sleeping peacefully.

His eyes shifted to the other side of the room. Elton was passed out in a chair near the door, his favorite black hat hanging over his eyes. His legs hung over the right arm of the chair, his side bracing him as he leaned most of his weight into the back of the uncomfortable seat. His arms were folded across his chest, his own breathing the only sign that he was alive. Corey wasn't even in a chair at this point, Sam had heard him fall out of it a little more than an hour ago. He had gotten up to check on Corey only to discover him still fast asleep a soft snore escaping the man as he slumbered. Sam had draped his blanket around his friend before tucking a thrown pillow under his head.

    Taking a deep breath, he rubbed at his eyes, trying to push the exhaustion out. After stabilizing Colby the hospital had transferred him to a bigger place to perform the surgery that he needed. The helicopter ride wasn't one that Sam enjoyed as his eyes never left Colby. Corey and Elton agreed to drive the three hours back to the Traphouse, gathering up clothes and moving to the hospital until Colby was able to come home. Colby's parents were at the hotel for the night, with Sam's calling often to make sure that he was okay. It was weird it doesn't even feel like it's been almost three days since the whole incident.

    "Vile house." The woman screamed as she slammed the axe into the wall ripping part of it down. Sam paused the video before huffing and grabbing his styrofoam cup filled with coffee, taking a sip of the now cool liquid. It wasn't good, but it's all that Sam could do, he couldn't sleep no matter how hard he tried.

    The doctors said the surgery had been successful, and that Colby should be able to go home in a few days. His family was reluctant to allow him to stay at the Traphouse, which was understandable, but Colby couldn't really travel too far. It was safer for him to remain at the Traphouse where he would have a constant watch from his friends and family.
Sam scrubbed at his face, he should be happy. They could go home soon, they could get some sense of normality back. There was no reason for him not to be asleep like the others. Yet here he was wide awake because his mind was running a thousand miles per minute. He had been walking back to the room with a cup of coffee and two waters for Corey and Elton. He overheard them, those nurses they had said something that was seared into his mind and driving him insane. He should have died, he lost far too much blood. It's a miracle he is still alive. Sam cringed at the words as they wrapped through his mind.

     He didn't want to think about it too much, but it wouldn't leave his head no matter how hard he tried. Sam knew that Colby was safe now, he had enough transfusions to last a few lifetimes. Shaking his head, Sam clicked play as the woman kept screaming. Finally, she turned her attention to the bite marks on her right leg. That fox most certainly made sure that she couldn't follow him and Elton. In truth, he probably owed his life to a fox.

    Shaking his head, he returned to the screen as the woman yelled into the air no sign of any life beside her in the house. Sam paused the recording glancing over at Colby as the beeping kept pace. He thought? Colby's eyes fluttered under his closed eyelids before settling after a few seconds. Sam watched him for a few more minutes before shutting the laptop and getting to his feet. Stretching, maybe he should go for a walk. Grabbing his cell phone, Sam slipped out as quietly as he could, taking care to shut the door silently behind him. The place was practically empty, no noise littered the hall and only a single night nurse sat at the desk. She looked up as he approached, giving a small smile as he nodded and continued his walk.

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