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"Cam" I was awoken by someone shaking my shoulders. "Get up" a female voice ordered.

"Fuck off" i mumbled while i put my head under my pillow groaning. I heard a sigh.

"Get up Cameryn, get up okay? its 3pm for fuck sake" Vod whined annoying. I suddenly felt as if i had been electrocuted as i sat up waayyy too fast.

"You called me Cameryn, don't ever fucking call me Cameryn or i will kill you. Kill you" i shouted, running into the bathroom. I went in and sat down at the door, hyperventilating loudly. I heard a sharp knock at the door and i didn't say anything.

"I need to shower. Get out" i heard JP state from his side of the door, i pulled the fingers and mouthed swear words silently as i tried to stand up.

"Piss off" i answered angrily, waiting for him to go away.

"Get out please" JP pleaded, i smiled to myself.

"No" i snapped loudly, i heard JP talking under his breath and after, i heard the footsteps that signalled he had left I went over to the shower and powered it on. I stripped off the sweaty pyjama bottoms i was wearing - who's i don't know - , unclasped my bra and untied my hair, taking a look at my tiny thighs. I walked over to my special corner of the bathroom and lifted the small, metal bin which nobody used and opened it. My hidden special shampoo and body wash. I took the over to the shower and sat them down, hopping inside the crap shower

I shampoo'd my hair and eventually i picked up the courage to wash my neck of all the makeup, i saw the deep scar that ran from one ear to the other, that ran across my neck. I dragged my body out of the amazing warmth and stood in the bathroom, facing the steamed up mirror. I got the cloth that sat on the bath and wrung it out, wiping the mirror clean. Facing the mirror, i touched the scar while i thought about the night it happened. I had been so confused. So lost and lonely but if i could take back what i had tried to do.. I wouldn't

I stood in the bathroom for ten minutes wondering what to do about the "no towel situation" i had tried shouting people but nobody answered. Finally i decided to wrap the trousers around me like a skirt and put my bra back on. I unlocked the door and stepped out, keeping my chin on my chest. I heard someone come up the stairs and i ran to my room. I opened my suitcase and brought out my makeup bag, which i had been continuing to keep in my suitcase and put on my foundation, concealer and all my powders to cover the scar. I picked up my makeup bag and left my room, hoping to do my makeup in the bathroom. As i was walking by, still in my bra and "skirt" JP left his room, looking me up and down surprised, smirking at my half-naked body.

"Hot, you should try a little less clothes next time"

"There won't be a next time babe, enjoy it while you can" i retorted, grinning.

"Photo? So i can 'enjoy' it more often" he asked, pushing my patience. I laughed and posed ridiculously, what could be better?

 I heard a clicking noise come from his phone and i turned and walked into the bathroom, JP was a wuss, he wouldn't show anyone the photos. I put on my foundation and concealer, i winged my eyeliner and quickly flicked a few brushes of mascara on. I walked to my room, sitting the makeup bag on my bed and putting on a pair of sports shorts on. I made my way downstairs and took an aspirin out the cupboard and sat it in a cup, i could do with more coke i thought to myself. Oregon walked into the room and smiled at me sympathetically at me. I took my cup over to the sink and filled it halfway while smiling at her.

"You okay Cam?" 

"I'm always okay babes, i took a lil big too much coke and i have a fucking painful headache, that's all" I i sighed, shaking my head annoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2014 ⏰

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