Posh Twat

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"An introduction to Art here at Manchester Medlock University" the lecturer rambled on to our class, even though it was only the nerds that were listening.

I sat with my sunglasses on at the back of the class, with my scarf covering my hair and most of my face. I yawned and the lecturer walked over to my desk and put his hand on it, leaning slightly.

"And Miss...-" he looked at me waiting for me to tell him my name, i sighed.

"Murray, Cam Murray" i told him while gesturing for him to continue.

"What is the definition of 'Art' Miss Murray?"

I looked at him confused, I raised my eyebrows and laughed lightly.

"The various branches of creative activity, such as painting, music, literature, and dance" i spoke slowly and tried to read his facial expression as to whether i was right or not. He stopped holding his breath and his face softened as he went to shake my hand.

"Wrong!" he said loudly. Giving the whole class a fright.

"That is Visual Arts, i asked what Art was" he addressed to the class. I relaxed back on my chair and sat my feet up on the table.

"Whatever dude" i chuckled.

"On the contrary, Art is actually the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power" he declared before giving a poncy smile and walking away.

 "Asshole" i muttered under my breath, pulling the fingers at him when his back was turned.

I grabbed my phone and slung my black bag over my shoulder. I stood up and walked over to the door,  picking up some nerd's books and flinging them on the floor on the way out.I had another class next and then I was to go to meet up with Vod and Oregon for lunch but i couldn't be bothered with this shit so i brought my phone and texted Vod

Ditchin. U + Oregon comin??

I went over at sat on a nearby bench, tapping my foot in time to the music i was listening to through my earphones. Suddenly i got a text back from Vod and my phone started making noises. I screamed loud "Shit" i squealed, clicking on the message.

Just coming, meet us at the car park - V

I took off my leather jacket and stuffed it into my bag as I got up off the bench and started to make my way towards the car park as i texted Vod back.

 I can do that  ;-)

I jogged over to the car park where i saw Vod and Oregon standing beside a silver car, i chuckled to myself.

"Score! I knew you were like, dead posh" i teased Oregon whilst ruffling her hair.

"I'm not posh, its like, totally my dads, the dick" she lied. 

"Okay" i remarked, knowing she was lying. i opened the passenger seat of the car and swung my body into the seat., opening my bag for a packet of fags. I pulled them out and waited for Oregon to tell me to go ahead.

"Light it if you want, just keep the window down please" she offered to me. I brought a lighter out my jeans pocket and lit the ciggie. I smiled at Oregon, kissing  her cheek.

"Thank ya' babes" i coughed, blowing out the smoke and patting her on the head.

She looked at my and forced a smile while fixing her hair self consciously .

"Where we going Cam?" Vod asked me slowly, her eyes smiling.

"The pub babes, i'm buying us all lunch" i proposed the idea to them, they looked like they were wavering.

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