006 | Kidnapped...TWICE!!

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It's official. Arlie is already fed up with school and it was only the first day of the year. Never the less, Arlie was exhausted. The first period had by far been the worst. First, Rebekah - who actually wasn't that bad, just a tad intimidating – spent the whole hour attempting to initiate a convocation with the boy, to which he would just sent a polite smile her way. Then there were the six different sets of eyes that had been staring holes into the back of his head since he sat down. No matter how low Arlie ducked his head, he never seemed to be able to escape those burning gazes.

What was worse was that those small glances sent Arlie's way didn't end after History. No. Instead, they followed him into his next four periods, English and Physics. Not all of them mind you, for not all of the gang shared all his classes. So, the intensity had died down a little. At least at lunch he was able to find a safe haven in the library away from them all.

By the end of the day, Arlie had managed to avoid exchanging words with Elena and any of the others – Thank God. And to Arlie's luck none of them had even tried to approach him on their own, seeming to only want to study him from a distance for the time being. Just as Arlie had started to believe that he was able to evade his 'problems' all day a firm grip landed on his wrist and he was yanked into an empty classroom.

Before he could even process what had happened, Arlie found himself stood with Stefan with no way of escape as he (Stefan) had positioned himself so he blocked the only exit. Arlie gulped as the forest green eyes trailed down his form as if scrutinising him and then back up to meet his own orbs.

Finally, Stefan spoke, "You're Arlie, am I correct?" The emotionless tone the vampire used when he spoke made Arlie freeze and his shoulders tense, not even capable of answering the question. This however didn't bother Stefan. He already knew who he was and he was only there to deliver a message anyway. He pulled a slip of paper out of his pocket and slid it over the table that Arlie had moved behind to separate them. "Call this by tonight. It's not optional. Just do it...unless you want more trouble may come your way?" The threatening undertone caused a shiver to run up Arlie's spine as he stood there not moving, just watching as the ripper left the room.

Once a minute had passed and Arlie had processed what had happened, he quickly stuffed the slip into his back pocket. He exited the room, hoping to go home and get some food because he was starving. With the thought of food on his mind, Arlie eagerly strode out of the school building and towards his silver car. He wasn't expecting to see Rebekah stood waiting for him at his car by the time he arrived, but there she was. Rebekah, as he had noticed, had changed from her dark sleeveless t-shirt and little red skirt into a pink sports top and black shorts. She had also thrown her hair into a pony.

"Arlie!" She smiled when he had gotten closer. "It's about time you got here, I've been waiting for about five minutes."

"Jack the ripper back there kidnapped me." Stated the black-haired male with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Stefan?" Rebekah started before shaking her head lightly and changing the subject. "Well, doesn't matter. There's a party tonight, here at school and we're going together." And before he could object, the blonde was off, heading in the direction of the back of the school.

"Welp, today didn't go as planned." Sighed out Arlie as he swung the car door open and placed his backpack onto the passenger seat – his coffee cup had been put in the bag earlier that day. With one last look around the car pack, he climbed into the vehicle, started the radio, and drove home.

About an hour later Arlie was sat at the kitchen island with his mother, musty books that seemed like they would fall apart with just one touch lay scatted across the surface of the counter.

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