1. tired

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DOING A REWRITE IF U HAVENT READ THE DESC !!! make sure to check it out when i publish new chapters !!


i'm tired of it.
they're still scarred from what i did, huh?
at least some got over it.
some don't even remember it.

my gaze followed to the footprints in front of me.
they led to a crowd.
the losers.
my team.

coiny wasn't there.
he wasn't there.
talking to loser nor pin.
where did he wander off to this time?

"hey, anyone sitting here?"
coiny asks, abruptly.
i got startled.

"nope. just by myself again.
all alone."


"okay, well, i'm done sulking now."

"new record."

"i'll be going to the old manor.
i'm going to clean it up a bit."

"oh, okay.
later leafy!"

the old manor is nice.
its quiet.
on top of a hill overlooking the yellow and orange forest.
a forest surrounding a lake clearing.
it's so pretty.
i'd live here forever.

cleaning takes a while.
it needs patience.

and some guts.
nobody truly would know what's beneath that pile of leaves.
autumn leaves.

nobody knows what's under...


new fanfic b/c i have writers block on my other one xddd


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