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Third person p.o.v

"Calm down Tae, I'm sure you're just over reacting—"

Taehyung scoffed wiping the tears that were trailing down his face "yeah sure, I'm over reacting, he had another guy over Yoongi, that seems pretty gay to me."

"What— no Tae, hes allowed to have other friends, even if they're guys, what makes you assume they're seeing each other? Isn't Jungkook into you?"

Taehyung sighed frustrated "I don't— I don't know? Yes? Maybe? We have.. a lot going on right now."

"Text him."

Taehyung froze "text him— what? Why? we always end up fighting that way."

Yoongi chuckled from the other side of the call "just trust me—"

"I've been trusting you this whole time! You told me to apologize and I did! But that didnt seem to work did it? No."

Yoongi stayed silent.

"Fine okay, just do it you're own way then," then hung up the line, leaving Taehyung feeling annoyed.

And just as if god has everything planned, his phone dinged, a notification from Jungkook showing up.

Jungkook (now):
Sorry about earlier, can we talk?

Taehyung sighed and unlocked his phone.

He didn't want to talk to Jungkook right now.

But at the same time, it felt like he just needed some type of communication with Jungkook.

Yes actually

Okay well for starters, I don't wanna fight.
And I'm sorry about the situation from earlier, I only had a friend over.

A friend or a 'friend'

I said friend, did I not?

Anyway I promise there's nothing going on between me and him, he's taken for god sake.

He's... taken?


I'm sorry for just walking out so fast and for assuming a bunch of shit

It's fine

But maybe next time instead of jumping to fucking conclusion all the time, you could take time and hear me out

I know I'm sorry

I just feel so stupid now, I don't even remember what we were fighting about in the first place

I'm sure it must have been my number

Oh right, that

You're not mad?

Why would I be mad?

Because I don't know, maybe because I lied about my number to the whole school, everyone, YOU.

How can you forgive me so easily? That makes absolutely no sense Taehyung

Well I'll admit I was mad at first, but not because your number was so low,
I was upset that you lied, that you lied to me.

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