Hinata| Cheesy Fries

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Word Count: 1,544
Pairing: Hinata x reader
Rating: E, fluff

Hinata spent his weekends serving drunk people food when they can barely tell the difference between their asshole and mouth. He had to admit the pay was good, but god was the work taxing. Being hollered at by three different people at once, dealing with all the drunken spills, being heckled for looking "too young". Being the nephew of a restaurant owner had its ups and downs. Mostly downs. Sometimes, however, and only sometimes, did god smile down upon him.
It was the usual sweaty, loud, vulgar Friday night. As he assumed there was nothing interesting going on in the dirty restaurant bar. Just before the clock hit 11:12 he laid his eyes on the most beautiful girl in the whole town. You had the shiniest hair, a smile that stood out amongst the hundreds of blurry faces in the crowd. He stood still and slack jawed as you made your way to the table sat near the bar, and luckily for him in perfect view of him. Even luckier for him, you sat in his section. You sat there whispering and laughing about things he could only day dream about. Your smile sending him into another dimension. While he was considering what ring of heaven you could of possibly came from, his uncle yelled at him to get his ass moving. To which he happily obliged. Hinata took his notepad and a pen, giving the fat loud lady in front of him another refill of water before he busted his way over to you.

When he had arrived at your table he laid his eyes on you upclose. His eyes held a special sparkle when they found their way to yours. You saw his innocent eyes and couldn't help but smile back at the boy with red ears. He snapped himself out of his daze to put down the mandatory two glasses of water down.
"What can I get you?" He uttered with all the remaining gaul he had left. Of course the fact that it was his job was a big factor.
"Cheesy fries?" Your friend looked at you, eyebrow raised and a knowing glance. You two were regulars and that was of course the usual meal you two indulged in. In fact you two came in here so often you were taken back by the cute boy serving you right now. It had been a month or two since you last walked into the nightcrawler bar and restaurant  however, so some changes were to be expected. You nodded your head in gleeful agreement and watched him walk away.

When he made his way off, she turned to you and asked if you saw it too.
"Saw what?" You were as beautiful as you were oblivious.
"He couldn't take his eyes off of you! It was like he was glued to your face." You smiled wryly, turning your orbs back to his figure, watching him flip burgers and toss some fries around.
"Maybe...did he say he was going to get us ranch with our fries?" Your best friend grabbed her chin and thought.
"I don't know he didn't ask." You shrugged and decided you would tail after him and make sure that you got ranch to complete your late night ritual. You pushed yourself off of the uncomfortable seat pattering your feet on the ground in rapid succession before jumping on the slightly lifted platform where the bar seats sat.

"Hey can we get ranches with that?" You asked with a smile that could melt glaciers spread onto your features. He looked back up to you with his eyes shyly trying to re meet yours.
"I already got that covered." He replied with a small smile. You nodded your head and gave him a "Great!" before arriving back at your table.

You arrived back, triumphant. You gave her the good news. She went on to tell you that before him, his cousin who was a girl had worked there. Judging by her absence you two came to the conclusion that it had not worked out. You couldn't really blame the girl for her coming and going. It was a hard job! Dealing with drunk people, and dealing with the fast pace of the influx of consumers, all while its the time of night most sane people should be snoozing.
After you two had caught up on the antics of the old restaurant and bar, you had an idea.

"Truth or dare?" She gave you a smirk, and a defiant. "Truth." With that you two played a silly game of truth or dare, watching as every food on the menu but yours was being made.

"I dare you to go tell Kuroo that his shoes are untied." Kuroo being the other person working behind the bar, and the usual server you two had.

"What! I can't just do that!" Your best friend whined in desperation.
"You chose dare!" You whined back defensively. With a defeated sigh she got up and made her way over to the man at the bar. You watched and giggled as you saw his face turn to confusion as he looked down at his feet and back at her. You saw them both laugh as she sped walked over to you covering her face. You both laughed and continued your game.

They were taking so long with the food that you had gulped down all of the water in anticipation. You looked at your empty glass and back at your friend as she was about to recite the classic "truth or dare" to you.
"Hold on, I'm out of water I'll be right back." With that you watched as she rested her full weight on her forearms as you went back to the bar counter. Hinata was looking down adding someone's bill up, not bothering to look up as you jumped onto the lifted stage again. The bar was filled more than it was just twenty minutes ago, so you brought yourself closer to his face this time before you spoke.

"Hey can I get some more water?" You asked, another breathtaking smile sprawled on your features as you cocked your head. When he looked up at you his eyes widened in surprise and he tried to fight back a big smile that was pushing its way on his face. He nodded his head slowly, enjoying the closeness of your face to his. You smiled at him as he took his eyes off of you and onto the cup. When he turned around he went to grab his shirt where his heart was kept. Smiling wide to himself, making sure he didn't linger on his swelling heart too long, as he didn't want to keep you waiting. He told himself to breath in and out as he watched the water swirl eagerly to greet the awaiting ice cubes. Once the water had reached the brim of the cup he had forced his giddy smile back to his regular customer service one and handed you the cup. Letting his fingers touch yours, only a little. You gave him a thank you before making your way back to your spot.

"Oh my god you should see the way he looked at you." You took some hair in your hand and swirled it around.
"You think so?"

You two continued your childish game, placing bets on how old he was. You were confident he couldn't be older than seventeen. Your best friend on the other end, decided that the more realistic age was at least eighteen or nineteen, the same age as you. Finally after what felt like forever he arrived back at your table and dropped the food. Feeling confident as you were, you grabbed his wrists, a small call for him to turn his attention back to you.
"How old are you anyway?" He blushed at your question before he gave you the answer neither of you thought of.
"Twenty." You snapped your fingers and your friend busted up laughing and shaking the table. You were both wrong, and Hinata was left confused and flustered at the pretty girls laughing at him. You said he looked really young and he told you he got that a lot, giving you a smile before he headed off back to work.

You and your bestie quickly devoured the food in front of you, talking about her boyfriend, how work has been. Before you knew it the carrot top had made his way back to give you your check. You smiled at him as he let his fingers run over your own one last time, while looking deep in your eyes. You gave him a nice fat tip, you were about to put it down before you gave him a small message.

"Are you sure, you're 20?"

Your best friend had already dawned on her coat and beckoned you to follow her. You placed the receipt down. If you had anymore confidence you would have put your number. You had a plan however.

"Just a sec!" You called back to her. Placing down one of your many key chains on the receipt. It served as a reason to come back. An excuse. Anything to see the look in his as he looked at you.

A/N: located on my tumblr and soon on my AO3. gone-daddy-gone = tumblr gonedaddygone = AO3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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