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hyunjin🥺❤️ is typing...
hyunjin🥺❤️ sent you a message!

hi cutie
i'm outside

Smiling at his phone, M/n locked his phone and began to gather his belongings that he would need for today. This would be his second time hanging out with Hyunjin and he was still as nervous as ever.

"And where do you think you're going?" Minho asked, arms crossed against his chest as Jisung chuckled quietly.

"Let your little brother go have fun. I'm pretty sure he's here for Hyunjin anyway." Jisung said while pulling on his boyfriend's arm to lead him away from the door.

M/n thanked Jisung and left the apartment to see Hyunjin standing outside of his car. The warm spring weather greeted M/n as he couldn't help but feel flustered when Hyunjin smiled at him.

"Ready for our date?" Hyunjin sweetly asked as he opened the passenger door for M/n and closing out afterwards.

A soft hum escaped M/n's lips as he thought carefully. He didn't want to admit that he never got to hang out since all of his friends were mutuals on Twitter. Instead, he texted his online friends asking for help.

"Should we start with lunch?" Hyunjin suggested as M/n nodded his head. He was disappointed to not have an idea of where to go but want Hyunjin to notice.

The car ride was filled with laughter and the two bots telling funny stories that they had. Hyunjin had let M/n play his playlist as they jammed to the songs. Hyunjin would ocasionan stop singing just so that he could hear M/n sing but that always ended up with him getting a light punch on his arm.

"I never knew you could sing!" Hyunjin said in disbelief, trying not to take his eyes off the road.

The expression on M/n's face was definitely priceless, but Hyunjin would never get the chance to see it. "That's because I don't sing." M/n laughed.

When that arrived at an restaurant food chain, the smell of different food was capturing M/n's attention. One Hyunjin was done parking, that excited out the car and went to find a directory map that showed all off the restaurants.

"What do you feel like eating?" M/n asked as he looked at Hyunjin to see if he could get any answer from him.

Shrugging his shoulders, Hyunjin connected their hands and began to walk to the food court. He didn't dare to look at M/n since he was also flustered from his own actions. M/n, on the other hand, was trying his his best to make the redness leave his face. The sudden hand hold not only made the younger happy, but it made him way too flustered for his own good.

Once they were at the food court, the overwhelming smell of different food began to fill M/n's nose as he wondered what to eat. Hyunjin had a plan of eating wherever M/n wanted to and asking him what was good on the menu.

"I think I'll eat there." M/n said as he pointed at
[restaurant]. He didn't even notice their interlocked hands until Hyunjin had to let go to grab his phone from his pocket.

"Is this place good?" Asked Hyunjin, receiving a nod from M/n and began to recommend some of the restaurant's food.

The two boys ordered and even fought over who would pay until the cashier got fed up and told
them that it was free. "Do you think if we fight over who's paying in any store, they'll give it to us for free?" M/n laughed while sitting at a table that was near the mall's fountain.

"If only that was the case." Hyunjin added while running a hand through his jet black hair.

The two boys decided to save their conversation for later and focus on their food. M/n was very pleased to know that Hyunjin liked what he ordered since it was his first time at [restaurant].

As they continued to eat, Hyunjin decided that it would be a good idea to do his streaks before he forgot. Opening the app, Hyunjin called M/n's name and quickly took a picture of him.

"Wow, you're really cute."

hyunjin🥺❤️ sent you a snap!

hyunjin🥺❤️ sent you a snap!

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sorry this was supposed to be out yesterday but i was pooped from school ;-;

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐌 𝐓𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 𝗁.𝗁𝗒𝗎𝗇𝗃𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now