2: How it happened

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"Hi! I'm Tasha." she said, the tall, greasy haired one with huge glasses.
"Um... Hi Tasha, I'm Kayla."
"Do you like One Direction, Kayla?" Honestly, I didn't listen to them all that much. I only knew Harry Styles, and thag was it.
"Yeah, I love them!"
"Who's your favourite," Tasha opened a big book with pictures of five faces. Pointing at each one, she made it clear that she knew all of their names. "Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn or Louis?"
"Um... That one." I replied, not really knowing who he was, just so I could be liked for at least something. Her smile grew as she argued back at me, "Louis? Ha! Harry is wayyy cuter!"
"Don't listen to her, or she'll not shut up about this for months! Hi, Kayla, I'm Melony." said another girl, with a very pretty face, but it seemed she was unpopular. Her tanned skin matched her mouse-brown hair that was quite long, even in the pony-tail, which reached just passed in between her shoulder blades.

"Who's he, Tasha?" I said, making it clear who I was nodding at.
"That's Khyler, he hangs about with Jake and Jeremy a lot, but EVERYONE fancies him." Tasha and Melony both sigh in a daydream, with Tasha hugging her OneD book whilst looking at Khyler, and Melony's arms fall very close to the floor with her knees bent and back curled over.
"I don't see it." I lie. I'm new here, and everyone's already sussed out friendships. Gosh, why did she take me out to join Year5 of a new school. I don't know them! They have all made friendships by now.

"Well, you must be the only one." says Melony.
"But what about Tabetha?" snaps Tasha.
"Who's Tabetha?" I ask with a curious, maybe suspicious, toned voice.
"Everyone calls her Tabby apart from Khyler. To Khyler, she's Tabs. He loves her and has told everyone but Tabby."
"I suppose you could call Tabetha the 'bully' of the class, apparently she self harms but nobody believes her."
"Why not?" I ask, trying to figure out who and who not I should trust exactly.
"Tabby is... tempremental." replies Tasha. I wonder what on Earth she could mean.
"Yeah! One minute you're best friends with her, and the next... she's swearing at you and slagging you off. Don't trust her EVER."
"Yeah, Kayla, believe us. It's easier to never bother than to fall for it once... It's a never ending cycle, a game of hers to become popular."

I felt unsure. Maybe I could help her if she self-harmed. And Khyler liked her, and... as soon as I saw Khyler I knew he was going to put me through hell because I would love him.

Tabetha? Self-harmer? I wanted to find out first hand, from 'Tabby' herself.

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