Chapter 1

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Imagine yourself any way you want to be. I personally hate when writers give you a example and say "This is you" 

Age: 13

Chakra Natures: Fire, Wind

Visual Kekkai Genkai: Sharingan, Rinnegan will be unlocked in shippuden

Village: Leaf

Weapon: Sword Or Kunai

Jutsu: Shadow Clone, Transformation, Fire Ball, Pheonix Flower, Windwhirl, You Will Learn More Jutsu On The Way



Y/N: Mom, the academy team selections are today.

M/N: Oh really? I'm sure your excited.

Y/N: Definitely.

M/N: I'm proud of you.

I Smiled

Time Skip


Iruka: Okay class, I hope you all know today we will be picking teams, to speed things up we will be picking them right now.

Iruka: Ino Yamanaka - Shikamru Nara - Choji Akamichi (Team 10) | (Team Teacher : Asuma Sarutobi)

Iruka: Rock Lee - Neji Hyuga - Tenten (Team 9) | (Team Teacher : Might Guy)

Iruka: Hinata HYUGA - Kiba Inuzuka  - Shino Abarame (Team 8) | (Team Teacher : Kurenai Yuhi) 

Iruka: This will be the only team with 4 members due to a specific member lacking skill drastically, Sakura Useless - Sasuke Uchiha - Naruko Uzumaki - Y/N Uchiha (Team 7) | Team Teacher : Kakashi Hatake) 


Sasuke's POV

Sasuke In Mind: WHAT?

Sasuke In Mind: How is he Uchiha? Am I not the only survivor? Did Itachi spare someone else? Is there a Uchiha member I dont know about? What the hell!?


Your POV

Y/N's Mind: I bet Sasuke has several thoughts in his head about him being the only Uchiha clan survivor and me being hidden from him.


Useless's POV (Sakura)

Sakura: YES! Im on the same team as sasuke! We can Finally be together!

Sasuke: Don't be too happy.

Sakura In Mind: Why is Sasuke sweating?


Naruko's POV

Naruko in mind: Sasuke!


Time Skip, Introduction.

Kakashi: We'll be introducing ourselves, so everyone can work better. Explain what you like, what you don't like, and your dream.

Kakashi: Okay, let's start with you.

Kakashi would point at Naruko

Naruko: I'm Naruko Uzumaki. I like Sas- no, instant ramen in a cup, but I hate the three minutes you have to wait after you pour the water in the ramen cup. My hobby is trying all kinds of ramen, and my future dream is to be the first female Hokage! Then the whole village will stop disrespecting me and start treating me like I'm somebody. Somebody important!

Kakashi: How descriptive, now you. 

Kakashi pointed at Sakura

Sakura: I'm Sakura Haruno. What I like... I mean who I like is... And my hobby is, I mean.... My future dream is... 

She'd Blush Hardly

Kakashi: Enough of that nonsense, how about you.

He'd point at Y/N

Y/N: My name is Y/N Uchiha, I like F/F (favorite food), I don't like the man who killed my clan. 

Sasuke: Tsh

Sasuke: Y/N how are you-

Sasuke: Nevermind

Y/N: Hm?

Y/N: My dream is to become the Hokage's guard or assistant and protect them with my life.

Naruko would blush

Y/N in mind: I didn't mean it for you...

Kakashi: Now Sasuke Uchiha.

Sasuke: My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain someone.

Kakashi: Well, that's all of you. Your dismissed,  first thing in the morning we will do a test to see if your worthy of this team if one person fails the whole team fails and will have to start the whole academy over again. 

Kakashi: Don't come on an empty stomach, or you'll throw up.

Sasuke: Hmph.

________________________________________________________________________________ Time Skip

Naruko: Hey Y/N wanna go to ichiraku ramen? Its the best shop out there.\

Y/N: Uhh, sure

They arrive at ichiraku

Naruko: I would like ramen with the Naruko fish in it.

Y/N: I'll get the same.

Naruko: Are you sure? It's all preference.

Y/N: Well I don't really no anything on the menu, so I'll get what your getting.

Teuchi: Here ya go! 2 bowls of ramen with Naruko Fish in it.

Y/N and Naruko: Thank you for the food!

Y/N: Also, don't worry, I'll pay for the food.

Naruko: Oh! I'm the one who invited you, I will pay.

Y/N: Oh, okay. But I'll pay you back.

Naruko would look at Y/N

You looked back

Naruko blushed

Naruko looked away

Y/N: Anyways, I've finished my ramen already.

Naruko: Can I come over? It gets lonely living without parents.

Y/N: Oh, sure!

Naruko gave Teuchi the money

Teuchi: Thank you! Make sure to come back with ur boyfriend again!

Naruko would blush again

Y/N: N-no, it's not like that.

Teuchi: It will be.

Naruko was lost of words

Kayato has left the chat

Authors note: Thank you so much for reading this, I really hope you enjoyed it. Chapter 2 will be out tomorrow or tonight. 

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