I woke up in pain and bright darkness. The last thing I remember was a gun to my head and tears flowing down my face. I was upside down, sweaty, and tired. I felt like I weighed a thousand pounds.
There were people everywhere, they didn't look too much like people so I'll guess they are demons. They had big muscular bodies. They had a reddish tint. And they're eyes had a darkish glow to them. The demons took people off the chains they hung from. They brought them somewhere and all I was able to hear were screams.
One demon walked up to me. He breathed into my face and smiles a greedy smile. His breath smelled of shit. It wasn't good. He cut the chains I was on and held me above him. He squeezed my rib cage and I couldn't scream. I tried but I couldn't. He brought me into another place. Once we entered, I saw everything. People were cut open, still alive. Blood every where. And fire just blazing. That was the beginning...

A Day in Hell
RandomFire. Flames. Heat. Screams... It's all I heard. I was in pain. I've never felt so much pain before. The last thing I remember was lying in my bed with my dads revolver pressed to my head. I thought I knew pain. I was wrong. The pain here was unexpl...