Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

My eyes were glued together with sleep. As I pried them open, my thoughts and memories from the previous night came sailing into my mind.

The headmaster was the speaker, and not much happened once he finished. All of the first years like myself were led down to the same hall, where we got led again into our own separate rooms. The rooms were nice, but they were irritatingly plain and boring, and as much as I hated to admit it, I missed Emerissa. I missed her bounding around my room. I missed her voice.

I laid there, on my bed, in this unfamiliar chamber. My eyes focused on the center of the ceiling as I thought about all that had happened.

Soon, light filtered in through the dark red curtains. I groaned and rolled over to get up. The icy stone on my feet was a sharp contrast from the warm blankets they were just under. I walked over to the curtains and thrust them open. The brightness outside blinded me for the first few moments. Although one thing was strange: there was no sun, only light.

The strange artificial brightness stung my eyes, so I turned away.

I heard a screech and I jumped, looking around for the source of the noise. It was then when a thought popped into my head. Get dressed.

I sighed. "Good morning to you too, Midnight." I said, walking around sluggishly to where he was hiding.

Did I say good morning? No, I said get dressed, and that's not something you're doing, so do it, he demanded coldly. I sighed and walked closer to where I thought he was, only to see a blur of black fly into my face. Midnight's feathers and talons scratched against my skin. I shooed him away fiercely with my hands, swatting at his wings.

"Jeez," I said once he finally backed down. "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." I sighed, rolling my eyes.

I didn't wake up, I didn't even sleep. I don't sleep. Now do you want to be late and get a beating? Get dressed, Midnight demanded again.

I frowned, "You know I really hope I don't have to stay with you forever."

I hope that too, princess. Midnight thought to me coldly. However, hope doesn't always give us what we want. Midnight paused for a second, and I hoped he wouldn't say 'get dressed' again. Midnight looked at me innocently, tilted his head, and seemed to smile at me. Now get dressed.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to tear my hair out. "Can you not wait three minutes?" I yelled.

Midnight's features were still innocent. Yes, but your mentor can't. He cawed loudly, it sounded like the laugh of a witch. I hear you have one of the strict ones. Wouldn't want to be late on your first day and get a beating now, would you?"

I growled at him, but he only looked at me. His look, that was one thing I hated about him. Out of all the other factors, his look was one of the worst. Tick tock.

Grabbing my cloak and mask, I scampered out the door and down the hall, following on Midnight's tail.

Oh, this is gonna be fun, Midnight thought to me. I can't wait to see you beat up. I tried my best to ignore his cawing, racing down the unfamiliar halls and spiral staircases.

"Wait up!" I called, out of breath. I rested my hands on my knees, gasping for air. "First, you have something to explain." I panted

Oh no, you're going to waste my time with something you didn't observe? The bird cawed sadly. Again? He added, which only made my skin hotter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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