Arthur or Oliver?

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[Fair warning: for this story I have made Oliver Arthur's twin, so be prepared for that]

~ Destiny's P.O.V~
I currently sat with my best friends, Arthur and his twin brother Oliver Kirkland. Right now I was sipping my Pomegranate Tea while the two twins fought over how was the better cook. Of course I stayed out because if I said one wrong thing I could loose the trust and friendship of one of them.
"So, who's better Dee?" Ollie asked me. "Me or Artie?"
"Destiny don't be fooled I'm the better cook! And don't call me Artie!" Arthur said.
"As I said before I'm not getting into this." I said placing my tea cup on it's saucer.
"Come on Poppet!" Ollie said, giving me his best Puppy-Dog eyes. "Please tell us!"
"No." I said looking Ollie in the eyes.
"I can't believe she said no to you while you had the Puppy-Dog eyes!" Arthur said laughing. Everyone knew it was impossible to say 'No' while Oliver was pulling his famous Puppy-Eyes. All but me and some close relatives of the boy's. Arthur alway's laughed when this happened because he knew he couldn't say 'No' that's how Oliver makes him eat his cupcakes.
Picking up one of the Vanilla cupcakes, I took a bite into it. Oliver is like a Cupcake God. Too bad Arthur didn't get this talent. He can't even use the toaster without it setting on fire.
The twins stared at me while I ate.
"She's so cute when's she's eating!" Oliver whispered into Arthur's ear.
"I know. It's adorable!" Arthur exclaimed.
"I can hear you." I said, forcing the two British twins to blush like Red Velvet. "And whispering about someone is rude."
"We're sorry Love." Arthur said, looking at the floor.
"It's just that we both really like you Poppet!" Oliver chirped. "Ever since we met in Fourth Grade!"
I laughed at the memory of my friends joining our school for the first time.
~ Flashback~
"Children we have two new student's joining us today." Our Fourth Grade teacher said. "May I introduce Arthur and Oliver Kirkland!" The two boy's entered the classroom. One had Emerald green eyes, blonde hair and wore a green sweater vest with a white shirt underneath and light brown shorts. While the other had strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes with pink lined around them, he wore a pink sweater vest with a white shirt underneath and wore kaki shorts. I looked at my friend Anri who sat right next to me and I could tell she wanted me to become friends with one or both of the new class mates.
"You boy's may take a seat behind Destiny and Anri, the girls with the brown hair and short blonde hair." Our teacher said and the two boy's took their places behind us.
"Hi, I'm Destiny!" I said, looking behind me.
"I'm Arthur and this is my brother Oliver." The Blonde one said.
"I'm Anri, a Belgium Foreign Exchange student, it's nice to meet you!" Anri said, placing her hand out for Oliver then Arthur to shake.
"Why hasn't the teacher started the lesson yet?" Oliver asked.
"Normally when we get new student's Mrs.Macus let's the student's ahead or behind them introduce themselves to each other." Anri explained. "When we face the boards again she'll start the lesson."
"That's very nice of her to do that." Arthur said.
"Yep, that's how I met Anri!" I said placing my hand on my Belgium friend's shoulder.
Both of us looked at our teacher and she began to pull up math problems.
~Flashback over~
"You guy's were so cute back then!" I said laughing.
"So where you." Arthur said. My laughter as exchanged for a blush and I looked into my tea cup.
"I have to get going." I said, finishing my tea. "I'll see you at school tomorrow!" Picking up my Pikachu school bag I left the house after saying good bye to the twin's parents.

~The next day at School~
I walked up with Anri, and the new exchange student form Vietnam, An Lien.
"So, are you going to have to choose between Arthur or Oliver?" Anri asked.
"I like Arthur better." An Lien suggested. "Oliver kinda creeps me out."
"That's the thing if I choose one the other will be crushed! I can't do that!" I replied, walking up the crowed stairs of the school.
"Just choose who you're hearts wants." An Lien said.
"I guess." I replied, reaching my locker. Entering the combo I placed my bag inside while An Lien and Anri went the their lockers. Placing in my books I closed the metal door with my binder in hand.
Seeing my first period classroom I walked in and sat behind Ludwig and Feli was right behind me. Opening up my 39 Clues book I was shortly interrupted by Feli tapping my shoulder.
"Yeah Feli what is it?" I asked looking at the Italian behind me.
"I'm sorry I overheard your conversation but I just wanted to know if you're going to choose Ollie or Arthur?" Feli asked.
"I don't know." I said, placing my bookmark in my book. "I love them both but I can't choose!" Right as I said that the bell rang and class started.
"I know you'll make the right choice Bella." Feli said one last time before focussing on the lesson.
I sat with Anri, An Lien, Oliver and Arthur for lunch in the back of the cafeteria. A chess board was set up and Arthur took one of my Pawns.
"I'm so getting you back for that!" I said, taking his Knight. "Like so."
"Ha ha very funny Destiny." Arthur said sarcastically.
"Here you go Poppet!" Oliver handed me a Red Velvet cupcake.
"Ollie you know me so well. I set the cupcake down as Arthur moved one of his Pawns on the board.
"Here I bought you this!" Arthur said bringing me out a Chocolate Chip cookie.
"Thank you Arthur." I said, placing the cookie next to the cupcake and moving my Rook closer to another one of Arthur's Pawn's.
"Now choose wisely Dee." Oliver said.
"I know, one wrong move and I'm creamed!" I said looking at the board.
"No, about the sweets." Arthur said, placing his hands together and resting his chin on his knuckles.
"What about them?" I asked.
"If you choose the cookie I got you, it means you like me better." Arthur cleared.
"Choose my cupcake, and it means you prefer me over Artie!" Oliver said and ignored Arthur's death glare.
'What do I choose?' I asked. 'The cupcake or the cookie?'

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