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"Katsuki. Hey, love—wake up. It's moving day."

It didn't take long for Katsuki to realize the weird whispering of the tree in his dream that sounded vaguely like his husband wasn't, in fact, the damn tree. It was his husband, murmuring right in his ear, warm breath tickling his skin and a steady hand gently rubbing up and down his bare arm trying to coax him back into consciousness. An involuntary groan vibrated in his throat and, without even opening his eyes, Katsuki curled forward, his forehead meeting Eijirou's steady chest. His arm—the one that wasn't smushed between them—stretched around the other's waist.

"Aw c'mon babe," Eijirou murmured, though even his voice was thick with sleep. "We gotta get up and start packing."

"Fuck off," Katsuki grumbled. "'S too damn early."

Eijirou sighed a breath of warm air, head tucking down towards Katsuki's. "I know it is," he agreed. "But the sooner we get packed, the sooner we can move, and the sooner you can start sleeping in a king bed for as long as you want."

Katsuki groaned again, but this time he managed to peel his eyes open and lift his head. "Why'd I have to marry someone so goddamn rational?" he said.

"One of us has to do it," said Eijirou with a grin.

"Ugh." Katsuki rolled onto his back, stretched out his arms, squinted as the sunlight was shining through their stupidly thin curtains. "Let me at least eat and get some damn coffee in me first."

"Can do," Eijirou agreed.

Breakfast consisted of buttered bagels sprinkled with cinnamon and piping hot coffee, in spite of the warm late spring weather. They ate at the counter, gazing out the back glass door that didn't give way to much of a view, unless you could consider another building just across the walkway a 'view'.

"'S hard to believe this is our last breakfast in this apartment," Eijirou murmured as he absently brushed bagel crumbs off onto his sweats.

"Yeah, thank fuck," Katsuki said, eliciting a grin from the other. Eijirou knew apartment living wasn't exactly Katsuki's cup of tea, that the fact that they were moving back into his mom's house—er, their new house—was in part because of Katsuki himself. But to Eijirou it was bittersweet. It was their first apartment together, their first place of their very own. The place they lived through so much, even in as short a time as four years was.

But even Katsuki was nursing his cup of coffee slower than usual, savoring the moment. The walls were thin, the windows cheap, so he could still hear the buzzing of cars going past on the main road every so often. Could hear neighbor kids already up and playing. These were sounds he was used to. Sounds he'd grown accustomed to, learned to let fade into the background as he went about his day. It wasn't that he'd exactly miss them, but it'd definitely be interesting having to adjust to the quiet.

After breakfast was cleaned up the two shuffled around getting dressed and ready, though they remained in raggy clothes knowing digging through closets of things to start sorting and packing into boxes would result in dust, and a lot of it. Eijirou pulled his hair up into some semblance of a bun—its length was halfway down his back, after all—while Katsuki merely slapped some cold water on his face to wake up, and then they got to work.

"Ah man," Eijirou mumbled, scratching the back of his head as the two stood in front of their open closet. "How'd we let it get so bad? It's only been four years."

"Guess it's easy to collect a lotta crap in four years," Katsuki said, shaking his head at the floor to ceiling mess before he started digging in, going for the few things that would be the least likely to cause a fucking avalanche of shit once pulled out.

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