17:: time is on my side

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I never thought I would be more excited to leave Harry's family than today. They did nothing wrong, really it was me and Harry. After packing up last night, Harry decided to tease me before spreading my legs open and eating me out right on the bed. The door was unlocked which of course I warned Harry but he didn't care and told me they were sleeping, in the middle of nowhere all hell broke loose. There were Anne and Desmond in the doorway mortified at what was happening.

Harry ended up blaming me for shouting but how could not when you have someone like him going down on you and making you feel the way that I felt? I shook it off but this morning at breakfast was rough.

"Harry, I am still scared to fly today. The weather doesn't look good," I told him when I entered the room and looked at my phone, I could feel the eyes of his parents on me but I tried to ignore my hardest.

"I bet Harry can find a way to calm you down," Desmond spoke quietly from the table and took his eyes off of his newspaper for the first time.

Harry giggled to himself while Anne turned around and smacked his head. Desmond groaned in pain as Anne rolled her eyes. "You do not say 'jokes' like that in my house Desmond. Especially for our son's lovely girlfriend."

"It kind of slipped, I am sorry," he turned to me with an apologetic face as Harry kept his hands in his pocket and tried to hold back a grin. I could see the similarities in Harry to his father, they were much the same in their sense of personalities and one being stubbornness for both of them.

"I am gonna go throw our stuff in the car," I announced awkwardly before speed walking to the steps and running upstairs. I grabbed both suitcases and ran back down the steps and back outside.

I took a deep breath of the cool warmer air. I wasn't actually use to this type of warm England air compared to the American air. I sat on the step and continued to relax outside, I looked to my left to see the house I grew up in, the paint color was a light blue instead of the yellow it use to be. Three cars were in the driveway as well as chalk paintings and drawings on the driveway. I wanted that to be my future with Harry, a normal home with a child and more.

New York was the first step to that.

The childhood home that I continued to stare at looked nothing like the one I grew up in, the only thing the same was the garage door color of white. The door behind me opened as heavy footsteps came up to the step I was at and sat down beside me. My hand was tangled up into Harry's immediately. I looked beside me and he kissed my forehead. The breeze flew through his long curls as his eyes looked right into mine, the sun was shining on his face which caused his features and skin to glow more than they already did.

"What's the matter, love?" Harry's words came out as a whisper for only me to hear.

My head fell into his shoulder as I looked back over to the house I grew up in. "I just can't wait to get to New York and call our place home. I haven't felt like I've been home all my life until I met you again."

Harry's lips and lower jaw buried into my hair as his fingertips grazed up and down my arm in a soothing way. "Ever since your left I never felt back home, don't leave again baby. Please."

"Never Harry. Never in my life, you are stuck with me until the end of time," I smiled reassuringly as his eyes met with mine when I turned my head to look at his gorgeous face. His lips pecked mine quickly as I hummed and took a deep breath. "I just wanna flash forward to seeing us in New York, grown-up, married with a little baby."

"I would love to have children with you one day, Arabella. One day we will have our little babies running around, knowing my genes they will be troublemakers," he mentions with a smile as we rocked back and forth. That was my hope, that he would agree and not get upset for wanting children once our life is figured out. "Should we be leaving soon to make it to the airport?"

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