Origin Story

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Today is the 30th day of treatment. They didnt tell me when my discharge date is. I can feel myself slowly going mad.
I turn around, and there is my nurse.
I take the usual pill, but then theres another one. I look up at her, curious, and she nods. Nobody talks here, we're all broken animals, vocal cords ripped out like the Russian Sleep Experiment.
I take it in with a gulp of water, and the nurse leaves. I turn back to the window, a bulletproof window, im stuck in here, alone. A day after i started my treatment my roomate asked to move to different room, saying that i was acting weird, whispering questionable things.
They of course, agreed to move her, agreeing that they noticed i had to be acting a bit off lately.
One time my roommate explained how i had woken her up at 3AM, saying thay i was whispering things about rape and murder. I argued how i vaguely remember being asleep around that time. Im never conscous when i have these episodes.
I dont know what the extra pills is for, but it said on the chart it should start to make a difference in three days.
The masks i wear were thrown out at the end of every day. I found out they had different colors, and my masks slowly started turning yellow.
My clothes all the match the color of a pale sunset, the only thing that doesnt match is my hair, which remains a sickening brown.
I need to find a way to dye my hair pink and blonde.

The next day

I take those two excact pills again, and i find myself clawing at the walls after the nurse leaves. My small nails are slowly growing longer, its not noticeable yet, but it will be soon. Am i hallucinating? Is this side effect? I dont know anything about this new pill.
I let out a blood-curdling scream as i writhe on the floor, the cause pf the pain unknown.
A stream of nurses, both male and female alike come stick needles in me, and i slowly calm down. I am unable to move, and i should be panicking, but im too calm, im at peace with myself now, finally.
I hear words like new pill, sedates, claws, and SCP flung around, and i have hard time concentrating.
Thr confusion is unbearable, and i cant ignore the loud words. Pretty soon i decide if i fall asleep i can escape this unbearable confusion.

Day 3 (the next day)

I wake up with a start, finding myself on the floor of my room, which i share with no one, because my former roommate grew uncomfortable around me, claiming to see strange glows coming from my sleeping body, and helpless squeak filled with pain.
I have been in here for god knows how long, and i dont even know if i have family, or if their still alive.
The nurse enters my room, and i assume its the next day.
I finally summon up enough courage to ask her a question. Well, it came out more of grunt with a questioning sound.
"Family?" I ask, and somehow the nurse understands.
"Your father, mother, and brother, Alex McNal died in a car crash coming back from the city on February 8th, so when you become released someones gonna have to adopt you" the nurse says.
I my pills and the nurse leaves.
No more family, no more familiar envoirment. My life will never be the same.
I look down and realize that i scratched my arn till it bled. My hair had somehow gone blonde while i was locked up in here. I dont know if its the light, or a side effect of the new pill, or if im just hallucinating.
Then i get a thrilling idea.
I scratch my arm ever more until its heavily bleeding, i dont even feel the pain. I let the blood drip onto my hair and soak into the roots.

Day 4

I didnt sleep at all last night, having insomnia is the best. My hair has finally become a pale pink, forever stained. Blood is the best hair dye!
I laugh evily, and i stop short when my nurse comes in. She gasps at the sight of me, and my mangled arm.
With a scream, i lunge at her and rip her throat out with my long claws, very sharp.
She didnt even have a chance to scream.
I catch the door before it closes and locks, and i steal the keycard in from the nurses corpse. I look down at her, my sanity has left.
I step into the hallway, and someone sounds an alarm.
"SCP UNKNOWN HAS GONE MANIC" somone screams.
I rush at them and snap their neck in half. I take one side of the bone and chew on it thoughtfully, wondering what im gonna do after i escape.
My stomach rumbles, and i cant remember the last time i ate. I feel like throwing up every time i even think about food. Unless...hmm, yes that could work.
I sneak up on a nurse and snap his neck in half, and i tear away the flesh, shoving it in my mouth, how come nobody ever told me that human flesh tasted like candy?
My claws have become a dark red blood from everyone i've killed so far, and pretty soon i find myself stumbling in the bright world, everything ive ever known is being left behind.
My yellow mask is still on my face, but it doesnt matter. I dont want to get blood on my pale, white lips.
Im making it my main goal to find Alex, i love him, more than a brother. He raped me, and it made me fall for him, head over heels. I need him, i will kill anyone who gets in my way.
I laugh like the phsycopath i now am, and flee into the day, planning on searching our old house, which i suspect he must haunt.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2020 ⏰

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