Meeting Haymish

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We waited before it was safe, then eventually crossed the road. "What's your name?" There he goes again, with his beautiful seductive voice.

"I-I-I'm good thanks- wait! I mean Ariannah, haha sorry about that And yours? Wait again! you already told me! I probably sound like a crazy person but I'm not I swear!" I look at him pleadingily. My mother may be crazy, but I am most definately NOT.

"Your cute". Was his only reply. He called me cute! ME! Ariannah Daley cute! Thats the first compliment a boy has ever givin me. I will treasure it forever.

"Er, um thanks?" He could probably tell I'm not good with boys. He looked up from the ground, and met my eyes. Then his slowly moved from my leg, to my wrist, to my hand- oh wait, I see where he is going with this- then up to me cheek.

"Woah, you look like you have been in a fight, or something!" For a moment I feel hurt, like he didn't actually care about me, but the look in his eyes said somehing else.

"Are you, okay, do you need the nurse or something?" Oh. My. God. He does care about me! Well this is a first.

"Nah, I'm fine. Thanks though." I give him my best smile, which he returned.

"So what happened to you anyway?" I contemplate wether to tell him about my abusive mother or not. What if he goes around and tells everyone? Or what if he becomes afraid of me? What if he thinks I am like my mother? Ugh, I would never be like my mother, I would rather worship satan.

"Er, um, promise you won't judge?" I don't know why I am telling him this, I just feel a connection between us, and I know I can trust him.

So I tell him everything, about my father commiting suicide, and my mother beating me. I don't know why, but with every word I said, he just got more and more angry. Right up until his beautiful green eyes turned into a pool of darkness. I was starting to get a little afraid to be honest.

"How dare she hurt you, that bitch will go to hell." Was all he said, before, stormimg off to his locker door, litteraly ripping it off its hinges. He kicked it furiously to the other side of the empty hallway, before stomping away.

Ok, now I am really afraid.


I walk to the  cafeteria, still dazed about what happened with Haymish. I ordered my food, and sat at the lunch table, trying hard to ignore the stares I was given. I wondered where Kaylee was? She should be here by now. Then I seen her. Over the other side of the cafeteria, she was sitting with the bimbo group, laughing and twirling her hair, almost as if she is one of them. I try really hard to not let a tear fall. She was the only one left that I considered family, and now she has given up on me. Why do I bother living anymore? It would be so much easier to follow in my fathers footsteps. Wait? I'm not suicidal! What the hell! I stare out the window,, mabye the sky will fall down and swallow me up, and take me to heaven. Or mabye God could send an angel to take the pain away.

Then it hit me, is Haymish my angel  sent from heaven?

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