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Here, have this chaotic mess of a chapter before we get back to the serious shit.

I might edit this later, but it's been forever since I updated so ya.

Izuwu: yeeteth the fetus

Daddy: please do not yeet any fetuses

Blasty: what the fuck?

Shoto: uh, Izu? You good?

Izuwu: oops. Wrong chat. 😳

Tokoyummy: what's the right chat?

Pika: what kind of conversations are you having

Izuwu: uuuuuuuh

Izuwu has gone offline

Shoto: okay then

AssMice is online

AssMice: ok who changed my username to this?

AssMice: if it was Midoriya istg

Izuwu is online

Izuwu: lmao nope

Izuwu: altho I am kinda bummed I didn't think of it first

Chokemedaddy: twas me you giant yellow chicken

AssMice: ...

AssMice: is this because of the thing

Chokemedady: obviously

Daddy: Midnight! I must insist that you change your name! That is very inappropriate!

Ochokeho: ok who fixed sonic and why

Izuwu: eww grammar

Izuwu: we talked about this Iida

Izuwu: that's not allowed

Pika: how did midnight even get here

Violet: hello midnight

Blasty: what the fuck

Spidy: what is happening

Shoto: this is a mess

Blasty: tbh this whole chat is a mess

Blasty: what did we really expect

Pika: that's fair

Kirishima: I'm kinda surprised Midoriya didn't find a way to meme this

Izuwu: ah thank you for the reminder


Shoto: gdi Izu

Ochokeho: are we just gonna ignore Bakugou speaking to Todo without cursing or insulting him

Pika: not to change the topic, but if we were all anime characters which ones would we be

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