Chapter 50 Betrayed

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Here's Chapter 50 guys enjoy it (:

She could rip my heart out in seconds now

She has her hand wraped around my heart which I could feel right now

But I then felt her hand leave from the grasp she had on my heart.

I was kind of shocked Ryan didn't even try to fight Barbara

I was testing him to see if he would kill her but he didn't he just stod there and watched me almost get my heart riped out.

"Hmm first I have to make you suffer......Ryan darling please come over here," Barbara said

Ryan then walked up towards me

"I want you to burn her," Barbara said

"Burn her intel she's begging you to stop," she said as she gave him the posion that burns the shit out of Vampires

I looked at Ryan who took the jar from her hands and stared at it.

I couldn't even believe him. I couldn't believe he did this to me he betrayed me.

"So what now your gonna betray me for that damn whore!" I yelled

"She's not a whore," He said

I rolled my eyes "Of course she is just like you," I spat at him

"what?" He said

I looked at him I looked at his eyes and said

"Your a damn man whore,"

And that's when I felt my skin start to burn

"Damit Ryan why the fuck did you had to fuck her behind my back!" I yelled

"You really want to know don't you," He said

"Did I ask if I wanted to know why you fucked her behind my back noo," I spat at him again

Thats when I sas him grab a cup that was next to him and he had put the poision inside of it.

"You really need to know how to keep your voice down," Ryan said as he let the poision fall from the cup and onto my right side of my cheek

"Fuck!" I yelled as I felt it burn my skin, making my eye water

And feeling heat on my cheek.

I looked at Ryan. He seemed like he was sorry for me. "Why are you doing this!" I yelled

I looked around to find Barbara but she wasn't anywhere in sight

"Stephany ever since that day we meet I never thought I would end up in love with you, but Barbara set this plan for me so you can fall inlove with me so then when you did ....I'll then hurt you by kissing Barbara," He said

I shook my head "And I thought you were different ..Man I was wrong ," I said

"Look Stef I really love you and i told Barbara that I don't wanna continue this plan but she threaten to kill me," he said

I shook my head

"So instead of sacrificing for the love you had for me you instead hurt me," I said


"What the hell is going on in here," I turned around to see Niall

The first person I ever fell inlove with

"It's not what it looks like," Ryan said

Niall had walked uo towards us and took the chains off of me

"Thanks," I whisperd too weak for me to say anything

When I got up I almost fell towards the ground intel I felt hands grab my waist

I looked up to see Niall

We both got lost in each others eyes

But then got interrupted by Barbara pushing me away from Niall


ANYWAYS HOPE YOU LIKE IT. If its to short for you i'm sorry i'm kinda busy with homework :( OHH && PLEASE




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