Round one

132 6 13

Your answer is whatever one goes with your name/ birthday/ whatever.
Comment your answer!!

Yesterday, I __(1)__  __(2)__ because ___(3)____.

1~The first letter of your first name

A- laughed at

B-sang to

C-had sex with


E-fucked with

F-bitched at



I-yelled "yolo" at

J-kicked ___(2) in the crotch

K- punched

L- stared at

M- found out the truth about __(2)'s___ sexuality

N- told a secret to

O- cried because of

P-kicked ass with

Q- screamed at

R-screamed at strangers with

S- went to LARP with

T- roleplayed with

U-wrote smut about

V-wrote fluff about

W-wrote a cliché fanfic about

X-complained about

Y-don't know what I did with

Z-made fun of

2~ The first letter of your WP username

A-Andy Biersack

B-Brendon Urie (did I spell that right? Correct me if I'm wrong)

C-Austin Carlile

D-Dahvie Vanity

E- Ellen DeGeneres

F- Morgan Freeman

G- Gerard Way

H- Hayley Williams

I- Iggy Azalea

J- Jack Barakat

K- a cop

L- Lil' Wayne

M- Marilyn Manson

N- the president

O- Oprah Winfrey

P- Tony Perry

Q-the queen of England

R- Ray Toro

S- Selena Gomez

T- a teacher

U- An umbrella

V- Vic Fuentes

W-Mikey Way

X- Chris Motionless

Y- Oli Sykes

Z- Santa Claus

3~ the first letter of your favorite band/singer

A-C- I'm sexy

D-F- I'm stupid as fuck

G-I- I like to fuck with minds

J-L- I can

M-O- because I know him/her

P-R- because I hate him/her

S-U- because I was high

V-X- because I was drunk

Y-Z- because yolo and I wanted to just go fucking nuts, ok.

Since I have three names and favorite bands, these were mine:
Yesterday, I decapitated Mikey Way because I know him.

Yesterday, I laughed at Mikey Way because I was high.

Yesterday, I hugged Mikey Way because I hate him.

What was yours??

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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