Chapter 1

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Jon's eyes were glued to the screen as he listened carefully for any opponent sneaking up on him. The sounds of gunshots and his teammates yelling out in anger or victory as they were getting shot at. Jon had promised he would play with them after he stood them up to do some "stuff" and by that it was legion stuff since he was a member after all, and the world couldn't wait. So, it was rare he had a night off like this but since someone else was taking his patrol he decided to join them for a game or two. He pushed his long dark messy hair out of his face as he quickly took grip of his x-box controller again, rolling the joysticks around so he could get a complete view of the whole map as he kept talking to his only other alive teammate.

His mic was open since it was easier than having to push down a button which meant he was very careful about not breathing into the little headset mic. "Jon, I think he went to point b, can you check out point a to make sure that fucker isn't doing any shit there?" The voice called over the game voice chat, so he quickly alerts he was on his way. He must have been so concentrated on the game that he didn't realize the lurking shadow that had slowly made its way over to him, so he jumped in his seat when he suddenly felt a pair of hands on his shoulder. He let out a surprised yelp as he moves his gaze from the big screen and looked at the man behind him, a smirk planted on his face as he returned the glance of the annoyed Jon, as his teammates were asking what the hell he was doing. Jon was about to ask what on god's green earth he was doing when Damian silenced him with a finger on his lips.

"Don't let them wait beloved, just continue to play and don't mind me" he said quietly into Jon's ear making sure it wasn't loud for the guys to hear over the chat. His voice was weirdly playful than normally where he would just bite at him and tell him how stupid he was for forgetting about something that he had no chance in the world of remembering. The heat of his breath was messing with him, but he couldn't afford to lose this, he quickly apologized to his teammates and said that something just fell down and surprised him. They came with some cheeky insults about him being scared which he ignored as he felt Damian's hands travel up his shoulder slowly after having rested on his shoulder for a hot minute. He tried to focus on his game and forget the teasing touches of his lover. 

He let out a breathless sigh when he felt a pair of lips kiss the side of his neck, he knew what the hell he was doing. Damian nipped gently as he made his way up Jon's neck. Jon's eyes had a hard time focusing on the screen and all the pixels of the game or the many voices of his teammates "guiding" him on how to kill the last opponent on the map. The feeling of a warm tongue dancing over his skin as he swallowed trying to stay calm. He tried to sound normal as he asked "wasn't he on point...b" the b being noticeably late as he had to swallow a gasp because Damian was licking the shell of his right ear that was exposed from the head phones, so he could hear if someone needed him on the phone or at the door. Lightly sucking on his skin as he playfully let a hand up in under his shirt, exposing more of it to the cold air around them.

They either didn't care or didn't want to ask what he was doing or perhaps didn't notice so the reply was just a rather standard one "no, I think he is on point a, am on my way but I need you to try to take him out " he replied, his voice being extremely hard to focus on as Damian moved his hands a little so he could slide into his lap. Luckily the older man was shorter so Jon could still see the game without a bigger problem but that also meant he was a rather easy target in this position since the results of Damian's teasing was noticeable. He tried to ignore the purr of the other one as he could see he was winning their little game. He could smell the shampoo Damian had used earlier, his shampoo. That fucker, he always knew how to drive him wild.

He tried to focus on the game but the hand under his shirt go more adventurous and travelled south, mapping out the skin under the fingertips. Playfully playing with the rim of his jeans as the fingers hit the hem of his jeans.

Jon saw the opponent and quickly made a run for it "found him! He is on the- ah fuck" he was in the middle of a sentence when the demon in his lap decided to grind against him successfully stealing a groan from him.

God he was going to get killed one day because of this man. Hopefully it just sounded like an angry shout as he was getting shot at. He glared down at the man in his arm as he kept trying to aim for the man on the screen so he could finish this stupid game. As soon as he saw an opportunity, he stormed in even with the outcries from his teammates about him being an idiot. He took a chance because he needed to end this shit right fucking now.  He guesses it was luck since the opponent must have been confused by the sudden storming, so he got the last few shots on him and killed him as the victory screen flashed on his screen.

"Holy Shit dude that was so fucking Lucky" one of his teammates yelled into his mic but Jon didn't seem to care as he threw the headset away together with the controller so he could get to concentrate on something else. He quickly flipped him and Damian around on the couch, so he was on top of the Wayne, who seemed satisfied with the attention being on him. "Unless you want your friends to be in for a show, I would turn off the console and join me in the bedroom. I would hate to be all alone in there and we both know how well you take me being angry " He whispered before leaning in and stealing a quick kiss, the soft feeling of Damian's lips on his were enchanting even if he had felt it a millions time before, it always left him breathless. He rolled out of Jon's pin easily and made his way to their shared bedroom.  Giving the Kent one last wink before he disappeared behind the door.

He could hear the faint sounds of his friends asking why he wasn't accepting the next game request. He had totally forgot they were still here. Damian had that spell on him that made him forget everything else. They must not have picked up on the heat from the moment. He picked up the headset as he tried to sound at least somewhat sorry that he had to leave earlier than expect but he had an important meeting with someone he couldn't ignore. They sounded annoyed but before they could argue with him, he turned off the x-box, so he didn't have to listen any further to them.  He heard a voice a little away call his name, a normal person would probably not have heard it since it was barely a whisper and he threw the headset on the couch again not really caring about it at the moment as he quickly made his way to the bedroom where an impatient Damian was waiting for him.

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