Chapter 3

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For a moment, even the wind have seemed to stop moving. The only thing breaking the silence was the soft pants and hisses from Damian as another wave of pleasure forced a noise out of him. Jon was gentle like few, almost to frustrating degree. He touched him but never enough. For a man so awfully used to a harsh and firm fist, a gentle touch was foreign. Saliva collecting in the corner as he allowed the other's member to slide in and out of his mouth. Feeling it softly pulse as his tongue swirled over his head. Teasing all those sensitives spots that he knew drove the other crazy.

A soft "fuck" could be heard from the bat, his hands moving to just grab the other. Force his hands into his hair and make him move. But the belt kept him in place, he tried to buckle his hips, gain just the little more pleasure. But Jon put a hand on the other's hip, keeping him pressed against the sheets with his weights. "Shh, let me take care of you." He whispered softly. Damian scoffed at his words, take care? He was only driving him even more crazy. His emeralds sent a glare towards the other who didn't seem to mind it too much. Just chuckling as he went back to softly teasing him. His tongue tracing from the head down the shaft to the bottoms. Earning him another string of curses from the other. "Stop teasing me and do something already!" The raven haired demanded, his voice shaking with anger.

Yet, the farm boy couldn't help but find it adorable. The flush over his tanned cheeks, the small shivers running down his spine and the goosebumps spreading softly over his skin. "If you want something, you ask nicely" he whispered to the other with a smirk. He had been teased for hours, may as well get a little back now that he could. Resting just a few inches away from him, allowing his hot breath to hit the other's member. Reminding him of what he could have if he just did what he told him to. "Come on, be a good boy for me" he whispered. The words hanging in the air for a little before Damian sneered. "Never." Well, it was his loss. Jon would remove himself from the other, pushing himself up and just sitting there. Watching the other with a small smile.

He couldn't describe the sense of satisfaction that came over him as Damian looked almost surprised and shocked. This wasn't how the games went, Damian always got to bark all he wanted and still get what he wanted. But no, not today. Jon leaned in, resting his head just above the other as he hummed. "I believe I told you to ask nicely. Beg for me" he hummed. Damian inhaled sharply, his lips so close to the others. Just a few inches apart yet so awfully far away. Jon couldn't help but admire the other man, so beautiful. So perfect. So...his. He didn't like feeling possessive but who wouldn't be? He would proudly show off Damian to anyone, show what a beautiful man he had in his bed and how he was aching for him.

A moment of silence, you could almost see the wheels turning in the Bat's head as his mind was telling him one thing but his body telling him another. He parted his lips as a soft whisper finally managed to escape him. "Please" Jon couldn't help but smirk. Close but not good enough. "Go on, my beloved. What do you want" Damian sneered again, his pride on the line but he couldn't manage to care in this very moment. His voice taking a moment to find its power as the words finally managed to escape his throat "Please go fuck yourself" Jon didn't expect much else. Damian was many things but a brat before all else. Jon humming as he would shake his head "very close, but let me remind you what happens when you play with fire"

Damian groaned in pain as Jon's nails dug into his skin for a moment. The super lifting his hands to undo the belt from the bed frame as he would seek to use it to drag the other with him to the edge of the bed. Damian now unable to fully keep his balance was dragged as he found himself dragged onto the floor, settled on his knees on the bed. His hands kept in front of him as Jon would seek to pull him closer by them. The super settled on the edge of the bed, sitting on it as he proudly showed himself off naked to the other. "Let's clean that mouth of yours out and remind you what you're missing out on. Shall see?" He hummed softly, Damian frowned yet the fire behind all that anger was clearly there.

He wanted this more than anything...that is what made them both keep going...cause this was their little game. And they both knew it was only fun if you fought for it. Damian letting out a soft "may as well prove I am better than you anyway" he spat as he would lean closer once more. His mouth wrapping around the other's cock. A mouth so used to spitting insults, talking big game. Jon couldn't help but smirk as it seemed so perfectly fit to pleasure him. It wasn't the first time Damian had done this. It would probably not be the last either. He always knew that no matter how much the other complained about it, he was hungry for it. Jon knew what a little slut Damian was when you stripped him of all that armor.

So many years of talking a big game and all he had ever wanted was for someone to push him down and show him where he belonged. Damian looked up at the other through his thick eyelashes, bobbing his head as the room was now filled with those sloppy sounds of the bat sucking him off. Jon didn't  want to admit it, but he was good. Instead he hummed softly "huh, I thought you could do better" he challenged him, his hand grasping onto Damian's head as he pushed the other to take more of his dick into his mouth. Damian having to take a moment to relax his throat as he felt the other push himself into it. Flattening his tongue to not gag from the size alone. A soft hum coming from the smaller man as he would start moving his head once more, followed by a smaller glare. He couldn't complain with his mouth full, maybe Jon should do this more often. His own dick left to hang as it slowly grew more and more flustered, dripping onto the ground under him as he kept sucking the farm boy off. Jon just admiring the view with a smirk, god he was beautiful. Damian was so breathtaking no matter what he did.

A satisfying boop! came as Damian finally let Jon's hard member  out of his mouth. A string of Saliva still  connecting them. His lips slightly bruised as he panted softly, catching his breath once more. "So?" Jon pushed him. He normally knew better than to do so. Normally it would end up with him having to dodge a kitchen knife or so, but he knew in this moment Damian loved this. The anger behind those eyes was a mere veil for the true desire behind them. Damian tsked once more as he finally manage to say "Make me"

A challenge? Oh how he loved those, Jon smirking as he would simply nod. This was going to be so much fun

Our little game - JondamiWhere stories live. Discover now