Chapter 41

17 1 0

Friday 24 May 2019

I felt someone push my shoulder bringing me out of sleep enough to see it was Paige. I was confused but managed to move ash and I over enough that she could fit beside me. It was just before 7 am and they had school in a couple of hours. Ashley's parents had let her stay again because they were fighting and she didn't want to be around to hear it. 

"What's wrong?" I whispered wrapping my arms around her tightly. If she was like this and not being silly then there was something wrong. Apparently Paige had a fight with Dani, she had spent a lot of time thinking about it and didn't want to be alone anymore. She decided not to talk about it yet so I just held her. 

After a few minutes Ashley's alarm went off, I reached over to turn it off.  Ashley stirred then rest her head on my shoulder, "Not that I'm complaining but when did this become a threesome?" Ashley asked making Paige chuckle.

"Not complaining Huh? I always knew you thought I was hot."

"She does, she told me. She used to perv at us." I spoke up, Ashley blushed and hit my shoulder in response.

Paige smirked while Ashley hid her face against my back, "Did she now?"

After a few seconds of quiet Ashley asked what Paige was doing here so early. When Paige explained, Ashley understood and left to give us some time to talk. Ashley pecked my lips then Paige's cheek and went to shower while I sat up and looked at Paige.

"What happened?"

"She thinks I'm cheating on her."

I really hoped she wasn't because cheating was disgusting. Paige was my bestfriend and I would do anything for her but I probably wouldn't keep that from Dani, she didn't deserve it. Paige knew my stance on cheating and would probably do the same thing. I didn't think she was, she wasn't that type of person, "Are you?"

"Never." She was so genuine about it. Paige had been distant, running late, cancelling, and telling her she's busy when she's not which lead Dani to the conclusion she was cheating. Paige said she was doing it because Dani deserved better but she couldn't break up with Dani, she loved her too much. I was a little bit confused. 

"What do you mean?"

"I can't even buy her a fucking birthday present Sky." She buried her face in her hands. "It doesn't matter, you don't understand."

"Maybe not, but try me anyway."

She sighed, "It's Dani's birthday in a couple of days and I've got no money so I can't get her anything or do anything for her."

She was right I didn't understand, my parents aren't rich but they have money. Paige works a lot, but uses that money to help her mum and pay for things to do with soccer and her car so doesn't have a lot of spare money. "Whether you spend nothing, $20 or $200 She's not going to care, she'll care that you spent time with her. If you need help with money I can help."

"You know I hate borrowing money from you, it takes ages to pay you back." Honestly, I didn't care if she paid me back or not and I told her that but it makes her feel better. 

"And you know that doesn't bother me. You could write a everything you love about her, or a photo album or even coupons for massages. You could make her something, you're good with wood work and stuff. My parents have a bunch of wood, tools and paint in the shed and some smaller material inside they use for their models. You're welcome to it, they won't mind. Also you don't need to spend money for a date, just take her to the beach or somewhere she likes, have a picnic or cook her dinner. It doesn't have to cost much or any money."

"You're right. Maybe I'll make something. Are you sure your parent won't mind?"

"Of course not, they don't use it. I'll let them know so you can get it while I'm gone."

"Thank you."

"You need to talk to your girl first."

"She won't answer my calls or texts and I doubt she'll talk to me in person."

"Don't worry, I'll get her to listen after school."

Ashley knocked on the door before popping her head in to let us know mum made breakfast. This time Paige left to give us time. I sat against my headboard and wrapped my arms around her as she sat between my legs with her back against my front. We sat there for a bit before making out for a few minutes then going down for breakfast.

When Ashley left, Paige and I slept for another two or so hours then searched google for ideas for Dani's present. In the end Paige decided on making a photo box and on the back of each photo she would write what she loved about the photo or Dani (Photo at top).

We went for a run before showering then started on the photo box until school was almost over. On days Dani didn't go with Paige she walked home because it wasn't very far. I intercepted her on the field which she has to cut across and dragged her to the changing rooms with me, she went to walk out when I let her go but I blocked her way.

"She's not cheating on you."

"Everything points to she is."

Dani was about to cry so I wrapped my arms around her tightly, "She loves you Dani. I'm not going to tell you why she's acting the way she is because it's not my place but please let her explain."


"Good because she's right there." I turned Dani to face Paige who was standing at the door. "I have to go meet Ash then hit the road. I'll call you once I get sorted at the hotel."

"Drive safe."


"I'm gonna miss you." Ashley mumbled into my shoulder. We hadn't really spent more than a day or so apart since we started dating. It was going to be weird, but it would probably be a good thing to spend a little bit of time apart. 

I tightened my arms around her and kissed her temple. We hugged for a bit longer then I kissed her and opened her door for her, "I'll call you when I get to the hotel."

"Drive safe baby."

I kissed her one more time before closing the door and going back to my car. When I pulled up to the hotel I quickly sent Ashley a text telling her I would call later then grabbed my bags from the back. I got my room key before going up to my room. I opened it to find Tori. Tori and I had been to a couple of these camps together and got along great. The regular people dreaded us being roomed together because we always cause trouble, the new people never expect it. We got the room sorted and then hung out until dinner and a meeting with the coaches. After dinner we hung out in one of the rooms for a while. I was getting tired and wanted to call Ashley before bed so I excused myself to go back to my room. Once I was in bed I face timed Ashley.  

(Bold= Ashley Normal= Sky)

Hey baby

Hey Ash

You look comfy. How's your afternoon been?

I am, this bed is very comfy. Good actually, got to catch up with some people that I haven't seen for a while. Tired now though, it's been a long day. You?

Weird not being with you but I spent the afternoon with Isabel and she's is staying over tonight, she's in the shower.  

We talked for a bit until Tori came back into the room. She got ready for bed but instead of going to her bed she lay down next to me. Ashley had called me baby, obviously that caught Tori's attention, "Oooo baby? Who is it?"

"It's my girlfriend Ashley and her friend Isabel," I moved the camera to Tori. "This is my annoying roommate Tori." 


We all talked for maybe another 20 minutes, Tori ended up falling asleep in my bed. It didn't bother me, it's not the first time. Tori gets quite bad nightmare sometimes and will often sleep with me when she does. Ashley just found it funny while also telling me to be nice. I set my alarm and went to sleep, ready for the long day waiting for me tomorrow. 

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