Chapter 11 Flashback

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Gabriels age here is 13
Nathalies age is 7

The two brothers were walking on an empty neighborhood

Umm brother im thirsty said gabriel

Me too .... Wait here ill buy you and me a water

Wait... I wanna come with you

Why are you scared gabriel?

What no!!

Well wait here


Then his brother left gabriel was walking all alone then a lady approach her

Hey little boy

Hi miss

Hey ummm i broke my leg and i cant walk properly can you help me ?


Pls my daughter must be worried about me


Thank you boy my house is just overbthere

She pointed into a house thats abandoned for like for ever

Lets go miss

She smiled at him when the boy turned around she smiled devilish and followed him

Once they got inside the lady lock the door

Thank you for helping me

No problem but i must be going now my brother must be waiting for me

He turned around but she had other plans she knock him out now he was unconscious

Sorry little boy i cant have you leaving

She carried the boy into a room and tied his feet and hands with cable ties later the boy woke up

Hmm... Hello?

Hello boy

You... You kidnap me

Quiet!!! If you wanna live

He closed his mouth and cried silently

I cant have you screeming here

She covered the boys mouth with a handkerchief

The women lovk the room and left then lock the house and went walking it was already nighttime she was looking for her next victim

At nathalies house

Good night my lil sis

Night brother

He left and went to his room there parents were still at there job then nathalie was playing she saw a woman she had a black hair red heels black dress and coat she went out the house

Hi miss

Hi little girl are you looking for someone?

Yes im looking for my mom and dad

Do you want me to take you to them

My brother said there at the hospital

Well i can take you there

Really ?

Yes now come on there probably waiting


She took the womans hand and the two left nathalies house they went to the abandoned house and did the same thing to nathalie but she remove the handkerchief on there mouth

Hi im nathalie sancoeur whats your name ?

Im gabriel agreste nice to meet you


Yes miss...

Then she left

Why are you here anyway?

She said shell bring me to my parents

Look nathalie that lady will not bring you to your mom infact she is a spider a big one

S..spiders are scary

I know but if you dont cry ill give you this candy

He gave the candy to her and she stop crying

T..thank you

Later the two were asleep the women went to gabriel and woke him up

Wake up little boy

He woke up and he saw he had a knife with her

Pls... Don't hurt me

Sorry but if im going down you two are coming with me

What ...did i do to you... What did he do to you

I loved him and he never notice i even killed the child that was inside me so that o can be with him but no he ran away !

But... You can change forget about him and start a new life

Your right maybe ill be happy if i was dead

Miss... No pls!!!

She went to the other room and suicided


Are you ok gabriel ?

Nathalie stay here... Ill get a .. Scissor

He crawl to the other room ignoring that there was a body hanging he was scared but he had to stay strong he went back and untied thereselves

Come on lets get outta here close your eyes ok ill lead

She nooded and grab his hand it was warm and he led the way out

So wheres your house ?

She pointed at the house that was on the right side

Ok ill get you home

They walk to her house and drop her off

Ok i have to go now my parents are probably worried

Thank you gabriel a... A...?

Your dumb i said my name is gabriel agreste

Oh ok can you promise youll be my friend

Of course

They pinky sweared and smiled



Gabriel was walking all alone then he started having hallucination

Come with me little boy

He turned and saw her he ran to the police and stop he remembered he wouldn't say anything to the police then he just collapse

He woke up in the hospital bed

Gabriel?...son your awake!

Then he remembered the lady again and screamed

Ahhh#!!! No i dont want to!!!! Leave me alone!#!!!

Shhh gabriel its ok

Nurse help us

Then today he has trauma with cable ties and she has trouble dealing with spiders

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