Chapter 8

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Nothing. Nothing but toys and Bendy cutouts. Ink is flowing. Ok! This place's just big, not great at all. I mean, I like toys. Of course! I'm a toy maker. But at this moment, it feels like those toys are getting in my way.
We keep walking. From somewhere, someone suddenly hums. Sounds soft and creepy. But we ignore it and continue moving. We find a level. I don't know what is that for, but Sammy pulls it. Maybe that's a good thing.
The only way to go is a doorway, and it is blocked by a shelf of toys. Not just that, I see toys clogging up some belt wheel. Oh, fuck me!
"I should fix the toy machine." Sammy offers an idea.
"Do you mean we need to remove the toys?" I ask. He seems awkward but he still nods. Sammy turns on the belt wheels as I take out the toys. Then he pulls the level for a few times. The shelf moves, revealing a desk and the door. The desk has a recording and something looks like an ink blob. But we ignore it and walk into the door. As we enter, the door's suddenly shut.
"Did you do that?" Sammy asks, confused.
"No." I shake my head. I look around the room. It's full of Alice Angel's things and it has a stage. Suddenly the lights turn off.
"Sammy, it's not funny."
"I did nothing!"
Ok, I feel nervous right now and my body is shaking again. Then someone starts to sing. A feminine voice.
"This voice... No no no! She's here!" Sammy nearly yells. He sounds panicked. I just stare at the stage, waiting for the woman to appear. Then the song's cut off as a screaming echoes the room.
"I'M ALICE ANGEL!!!" A woman screams. She looks like Alice Angel but the left side of her face resembles like wax. Her halo melts into the left side of her head. In short, she looks scary, but I'm really not scared. Maybe neither is Sammy 'cause he don't scream, and it's too dark to see. Alice hits the glass with a loud yell as the room becomes black.
'Is she trying to scare me?' I think. And maybe I forget something.
"I see you there. A new fly and a stupid trash in my endless web." She says in a soft voice.
"Who the hell do you call 'stupid trash'?" Sammy angrily shouts at her.
"Come along now. Let's see if you're worthy to walk with angels."
Then Alice disappears as the lights slowly turns on. A new door is opened.
"Let's go, shall we?"
"Ok. But I wonder." He looks at me with puzzling eyes. "You have Nyctophobia, don't you?"
I blink for a few time. Then I realise...
"H-How about w-we just keep m-moving?"
He just look at me, and... laughing his ass out.
"Have you done yet?" I stare at him blankly.
"W-Wait a minute!" He's still laughing then stop. "Ok I'm done. But hey!"
He puts the hood on my hoodie down and ruffles my hair.
"You know you don't have to scare of the darkness, don't you?"
"Yeah, but..."
"I know. Don't worry, I swear it won't harm you. If you still feel fearful, relax yourself. Talk therapy is a way, too. Understand?"
"Does that mean I can talk to you?"
"Of course!"
"Ok, I understand." I nod my head.
"Good! Now let's go." He exclaims.

The way leads us to a fork with a sign, one sign points to the left and reads 'The Angel', the other points to to right and reads 'The Demon'.
Without hesitation, we decide to walk to the right, 'The Demon'.

Set Us Free, My Little Sheep (Sammy X Depressed! Reader) (SlowUpdate,Sorry!!!)Where stories live. Discover now