Silly Scenarios 2

56 3 0

Wind: *humming bo burnham songs*
Wild: *sweats nervously* I guess I'll do that then

(!!! You'll understand that later lol)


Wind: just be happy!
Wild: it's not that simple.
Wind: oh. Then I can help!
Wild: :)


Wild: *drinking a bottle of water*
Wind: *joking* I poisoned that.
Wild: *looks at Wind and keeps drinking*
Wind: i said i poisoned that
Wild: i know. That's why I'm still drinking it


Wind: *says anything*
Wild: :)


Wind: hey Wild, how old are you?
Wild: a hundred
Wind: *laughs* for real, though, how old are you?
Wild: I just said, a hundred.
Wind: quit joking!
Wild: I'm not.


Anyone: *says something that relates to a memory*
Wild: bye see ya


Feel free to suggest any other funny stuff!

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