Chapter Ten: Unwanted Visitors

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Author Note: Just a little trigger warning, this chapter gets a little dark near the end. Read with discretion. 

Corvina stood at the side of the new Pharoah, Inara, appointed as his trusted advisor. She kept her crimson eyes out in front of her at the long hallway that led to the palace's maze of an entrance. The ceiling of the throne room rose high to the heavens and the walls were etched in gold and hieroglyphs. The wind around her was chilling and she could have sworn she heard a small, pleading voice being occasionally carried upon it, much like she had when she was first brought to this throne room. It was rather unfortunate that her job, at the moment, was not to investigate the mysterious voice.

No, in fact, Corvina kept her mind open to Asra's, watching his unconscious for any sign of Set while she stood at the Pharaoh's side, trying to distract herself from the occasional pleading voice.

"So far so good." She thought to herself, hoping her low-level magic was enough to fend off Set's black magic. Corvina thought tirelessly about the god's plan to trick Asra into entering his mind. Set obviously had no intention of keeping his promise of killing off the new Pharaoh, otherwise, Inara would be dead already. She didn't think Asra's mortal body was strong enough to carry out any complex rituals for Set, so why go through this trouble at all? Was it simply to keep eyes on the surface world? If that was the case, then why'd he need to watch the humans? There wasn't much watching Asra could accomplish anyway since he was stuck in the palace.


"Lady Nephthys?"

It had been some time since her "mother" had contacted her and Corvina wondered if she had some news on Set.

"Aw, you're still there, good!"

"haven't you been tracking me this whole time much as you do with Anubis?"

"Sure, sure. Just making sure you're okay."

"I'm fine. Do you have any news on Set, my lady?"

"Please, call me mommy, or at the very least, mother." The goddess giggled, "and to answer your question: nothing from Set, but I have received word from Isis who picked Osiris's brain that he and a group I think you'll like if you get to know them is headed to the palace. Would you be a dear and make sure they get nowhere near Asra, please?"

"Yes, my-mother. It was what you created me for."

"Good girl. Also, something else important to add. Isis has detected something evil lurking within Osiris."

"Really?" Corvina then began to rewrite her theory on what Set could be up to. If what she suspected was to be deemed correct, she definitely had to make sure Osiris did not get near the palace. His little group too.

"Do you have feelings for Asra?"

Corvina felt an unfamiliar heat rise in her cheeks as a heart she barely recognized began to beat within her chest. She then felt her mouth going as dry as the desert around the palace walls. What was going on? What was the goddess doing to her? Was it a punishment? And why did it happen whenever she thought of the young prince?

"Aww, you do, don't you?" Nephthys cried excitedly, "my little girl is growing up! How cute!"

"Mother, please, if I have done something to receive a punishment such as this feeling, I am truly sorry. I promise I won't do it again! Please make it stop."

"I'm not doing anything, my dear girl," Nephthys replied with a giggle.

"Miss Corvina!"

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